1. 战争不是今天的事,没人能保证有天会和平,我们安坐在千里之外很多事可以选择,选择早上吃什麼早餐,放工后去不去看场戏,约朋友去那间酒馆饮酒,而在战争中的平民连生存的权利都没有,连人最基本尊严都失去,选择是多麼奢侈,生命就是如此轻渺,我们只好在外旁观,看新闻把死亡当做娱乐,把战事写在blog上扮高深,我们没有能力停止改变事实,一少人把世界搞乱却要全人类陪葬。
Such kind of choice is a luxury to the civilians in war as they even do not have the basic human rights and dignity.
2. 我看不清她的容貌,因为她轻渺的歌声好像看不见的月亮一样,带著只存在於想像中的皎洁,漠然得恍若自言自语,使得黑夜倍加黑暗。
I couldn`t see how she looked, as her humming, weightless and evasive, appeared like the invisible moon, possessing the cleanliness that can only exist in imagination, and cold like a monologue, darkened the inky sky.
3. 轻渺而迷人的'Our Heritage'展示了Majumdar的长笛技艺。
The light, but enchanting'Our Heritage'showcases Majumdar's flute.
4. 轻渺什么意思
4. 烟雾流云轻渺,谁用一生,留住一个芬芳灵魂***爱的未来,日夜充满了吸引,谁是缘谁是分谁的一声轻轻叹息让时间的轴心支离破碎,让爱与罪走出岁月的牢笼。
You are dream, dream in the momentary smile***Meeting in life, how many beautiful women and short dreams, no traces of love bite leftWind is light, and dragonfly falls in love with flower.