


词典bones of the whole body躯骨。

词典truncal bones躯骨。

躯骨 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 当今之人,即使身强力壮,动用两手,也很难起举,但埃阿斯却把它高擎过头,砸捣在顶着四支冠角的盔盖上,把头颅和脑骨打得稀烂――厄丕克勒斯随之倒地,像一个跳水者,从高高的墙垒上扑倒下来,魂息飘离了他的躯骨
    As men now are, even one who is in the bloom of youth could hardly lift it with his two hands, but Ajax raised it high aloft and flung it down, smashing Epicles'four-crested helmet so that the bones of his head were crushed to pieces, and he fell from the high wall as though he were diving, with no more life left in him.

2. 就像这样,此人大声吼啸,直到高傲的心魂飘离了他的躯骨
    Then he struck Hippodamas in the midriff as he was springing down from his chariot in front of him, and trying to escape.
