

踢皮球[tī pí qiú ]


词典kick a ball踢皮球。


词典play children's football踢皮球。

词典pass the buck扯皮;<口>推卸责任,把为难的事推给别人。

词典kick sth. back and forth like a ball

踢皮球 汉英大词典

踢皮球[tī pí qiú]

(儿童游戏) kick a ball; play children's football

踢皮球 网络解释

1. pass the buck:特种债券 special bonds | 踢皮球 pass the buck | 提成 deduct

2. kick the ball:提价price hike | 踢皮球kick the ball | 提请submit something to

3. 踢皮球

3. tlpq:tlfb 吐蕃 | tlpq 踢皮球 | tnlb 退了吧

4. play football:360 play games 做游戏 | 361 play football 踢皮球 | 362 play on the beach 在海滩上玩

踢皮球 双语例句

1. 踢皮球的解释

1. 你需要做的是踢皮球到三个绿色的气球。
    What you need to do is kick a ball into each of the three green balloons.

2. 踢皮球

2. 换句话说,这是标准的踢皮球
    In other words, a classic fudge.

3. 踢皮球

3. 人们聚集在一起踢皮球左右千百年来。
    People have gathered together to kick a ball around for thousands of years.

4. 人们在一起踢皮球左右千百年来。
    People have got together to kick a ball around for thousands of years.

5. 什么时候才能结束这种踢皮球游戏,肩负起你人生新篇章的责任呢?
    When does the blaming end and taking responsibility for your own life start?

6. 踢皮球

6. 人们聚集在一起踢皮球世代左右。
    People have gathered together to kick a ball around for generations.

7. 踢皮球在线翻译

7. 两名医生互踢皮球,而业务过失重伤害罪得面临最重三年徒刑。但是对为人母来说,这一切永远也换不回孩子的健康。
    Both Liou and Lin face up to three years in prison if found guilty of professional negligence resulting in serious injury.

8. 踢皮球什么意思

8. 考尔女士说,众多的机构中的资本,如麦当劳,该NDMC和社会福利部提出容易把他们都踢皮球
    Kaur added that the multiplicity of agencies in the Capital, like the MCD, the NDMC and the Department of Social Welfare made it easy for them all to pass the buck.

9. 踢皮球的意思

9. 几年之后,指责和相互踢皮球就成为了根深蒂固的习惯。
    After a few years, finger-pointing and throw-it-over-the-wall processes become ingrained habits.

10. 让他们去和他踢皮球
    Get them to throw everything they can at him.

11. 踢皮球的反义词

11. 孩子们把该干的事都干了:爬树,在花园里找蛇,踢皮球。然后,他们就进屋来了。
      After the children had done their share of climbing trees, looking for garden snakes and hitting balls, they came in.

12. 但增速放慢,金融压力上升,完全有理由担心中国踢皮球的日子也是屈指可数的。
      But growth is slowing, financial stresses are rising, and there is good reason to fear that China's days of can-kicking are numbered as well.

13. 而当房产危机波及到信贷市场时,银行系统则在踢皮球,这导致了整个金融系统的震动并波及到世界上其他经济体系。
      And as the housing meltdown cascaded through credit markets, the banking system was buffeted, rocking the whole financial system on which the world's economy rests.

14. 但万事都是相关的,踢皮球踢得最好的还是美国。
      But everything is relative, and the best can to be kicking down the road just now is undoubtedly the one made in America.

15. 相关部门要从小事情上行动起来,而不是踢皮球或只停留在言论上。
      The relevant departments should act but not only " play footballs " or stays in the speech.

16. 相关部门要从小事情上行动起来,而不是踢皮球或只停留在言论上。
      The relevant departments should act but not only " play footballs " or stays in the speech.

17. 踢皮球的近义词

17. 已有部分用户针对阿里的上述行为在网络上抱怨,但由于阿里的态度暧昧,总是在踢皮球,用户很难得到一个满足的答复,最后不了了之。
      Already partial user complains on the network in the light of afore-mentioned behavior in A, but as a result of A in be on the hedge, always be in kick a ball, the user gets a satisfactory answer very hard, end up with nothing definite finally.
