

踟蹰[chí chú]




踟蹰 汉英大词典

踟蹰[chí chú]

(心里迟疑, 要走不走的样子) hesitate; waver:


    hesitate to move forward; tarry and not go forward

踟蹰 双语例句

1. 我不断地踟蹰着,彷徨着,犹豫着。。。
    I continue to hesitate, and hesitation, and hesitation with...

2. 于是我困惑地踟蹰在这个宣称人人都有交往权利的社会里。
    So I wander bewildered in this society which proclaims the right of everyone to communicate.

3. 这是一个关於爱情、诞生与死亡的故事,三种不同生命状态的女人,徘徊踟蹰在峇里岛这个充满魔幻的场域里,寻找她们生命的意义。
    This is a story about the journeys of three women in the Island of Bali.

4. 踟蹰在线翻译

4. 渴望赴美的研究学者和高科技工作人员讲述了他们踟蹰数月等待合法许可的梦魇般的故事。
    Potential graduate students and high-tech workers tell nightmare stories of waiting for months for the right bits of paper.

5. 是不是翻译为:因此军队对于试图冒险进入更远仍然是有一些踟蹰的?
    There is still some hesitancy among the military to try to venture in too far.

6. S.Y。说出现问题就要解决问题,而不是现在这样的哀怨踟蹰
    Only in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time.

7. 东北抗日联军第三路军总指挥李兆麟将军在诗中写道:朔风怒吼,大雪飞扬,征马踟蹰,冷气侵入夜难眠,火烤胸前暖,风吹背后寒。
    Northeast Anti-Japanese coalition李兆麟third commander-in-chief General Route wrote in the poem:朔风roar, blowing snow, Zheng Ma hesitate, air-conditioning invasive nights sleep, warm grilled chest, behind the cold wind.

8. 我坚信你一定也在茫茫人海中徘徊,搔首踟蹰
    I believe so firmly that you are wandering among the people. I believe that.

9. 然而众等仍然踟蹰不决,虽说他是大司徒仁波切,但他的年纪实在是太小了…。
    People were not quite sure because he was so young, so little then, though he was Tai Situpa.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 林博士见他东张西望,踟蹰无计,慨然说:「老实说,我不够资格开口,但是我还是要说,能不能分一点工作给我?
    But I still want to speak up.

11. 争俺们的女孙传唱,该俺们里对于挑衅时,俺们出无勇懦、出无退伸,更出有踟蹰不会后。俺们在下帝的闭恨上远望遥圆,俺们在自在的途径下持续行进,俺们的精力将永久闪烁灭毫光。
      Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we carried forth that great gift of freedom and delivered it safely to future generations.

12. 踟蹰的意思

12. 国际市场上,棉花价格正在下跌,买主们踟蹰不前。
      The cotton was falling in price on the international market and the buyers held off.

13. 踟蹰

13. 她很愿意帮忙,但是他却畏避而不肯帮助。
      Hang back 犹豫, 踟蹰, 畏缩She volunteered to help but he was afraid and hung back.

14. 踟蹰的解释

14. ck。她很愿意帮忙,但是他却畏避而不肯帮助。
      Hang back 犹豫, 踟蹰, 畏缩she volunteered to help but he was afraid and hung ba

15. 曾与西奥-安哲罗普洛斯合作完成电影《36年岁月》、《亚历山大大帝》、《鹳鸟踟蹰》、《尤利西斯生命之旅》、《永远的一天》等的剧本。他也曾为在希腊播了三年的电视剧《罪行
      He collaborated with Thodoros Angelopoulos on the screenplays of Days of `36, Alexander the Great, The Suspended Step of the Stork, The Gaze of Odysseas and Eternity and a Day.

16. 踟蹰的反义词

16. 否则,你将很容易迷路或踟蹰不前。
      Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.

17. 失败的恐惧,比其它因素更能让人踟蹰不前。
      The fear of failure, more than anything else, holds people back.

18. 你的恐惧可能使你麻木,使你踟蹰不前。
      Your fear may even make you numb.

19. 他做事总是踟蹰不前,许多事都耽误了。
      He is always hesitant to take action, which leads to the delay of many things.

20. 让我们 的子孙传唱,当我们面对挑战时,我们没有怯懦、没有退缩,更没有踟蹰不前。
      Let it be said by our children's children that when we were
