



词典pay a personal visit; visit the actual site

踏访 网络解释

1. pay a personal visit; visit the actual site:授信贷款credit extension loan | 踏访pay a personal visit; visit the actual site | 抬举flatter

2. 踏访在线翻译

2. pay a persnal visit; visit the actual site:. 诉讼权力 litigation right | . 踏访 pay a persnal visit; visit the actual site | . 抬举 flatter

踏访 双语例句

1. 然而,当记者深入踏访杭州房地产市场时,却发现事实并非如此。
    However, when reporters踏访Hangzhou-depth real estate market, they found that it is not true.

2. 了解自己的家族历史并踏访故乡
    To learn my family history and visit the homeland.

3. 为了寻找失散的亲人,他踏访了全国各地。
    In the hope to find the relatives that he has lost touch with, he has been to many places in the country.

4. 此前他踏访了世贸中心废墟,为911恐怖袭击死难者祈祷。
    Earlier he visited Ground Zero and blessed the site of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

5. 踏访什么意思

5. 他们主要是学习课本,有时也到历史古迹实地踏访并参观博物馆。
    They learn about the past chiefly from textbooks but also through such activities as field trips to historical sites and visits to museums.

6. 踏访的近义词

6. 布卢姆简直克制不住自己了。他机警地怀疑,这个老手兴许是被女人这一对抗物所吸引而出去做了一番军事演习的。然而这时那个女人实际上早已消失得无影无踪了。他定睛一看,才勉强辨认出那个灌了一肚子朗姆酒、精神随之而振的水手,正毋宁说是出神地仰望着环行线的陆桥桥墩和纵梁。当然自从他最后一次踏访,这里已大大地改建,面目一新了。
    The irrepressible Bloom, who also had a shrewd suspicion that the old stager went out on a manoeuvre after the counterattraction in the shape of a female who however had disappeared to all intents and purposes, could by straining just perceive him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the piers and girders of the Loop line rather out of his depth as of course it was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 待到年长,当他们刚刚意识到有足够脚力的时候,也就给自己负上了一笔沉重的宿债,焦渴地企盼着对诗境实地的踏访
    When the elderly, when they just realize that there is sufficient time food, it is held to their places a heavy debt, parched and looking forward to the field of on food Poetry.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 待到年长,当他们刚刚意识到有足够脚力的时候,也就给自己负上了一笔沉重的宿债,焦渴地企盼着对诗境实地的踏访
    When the elderly, when they just realize that there is sufficient time脚力, it is held to their places a heavy debt, parched and looking forward to the field of踏访Poetry.

9. 待到年长,当他们刚刚意识到有足够脚力的时候,也就给自己负上了一笔沉重的宿债,焦渴地企盼着对诗境实地的踏访
    When they get on in years and hardly wake up to be in full of vigour, as a result of a long-cherished wish would be treasured up, so hankeringly they hope to visit the scenic spots that described in the classic poems.

10. 踏访的翻译

10. 年长之后真到了西湖,如游故地,熟门熟路地踏访着一个陈旧的梦境。
    When growing old, I really set foot at the West Lake, which was just like revisiting a familiar place.
