路祭[lù jì]
词典offer sacrifices on the route of a funeral procession:路祭。
路祭[lù jì]
[旧] offer sacrifices on the route of a funeral procession
1. sacrifices offered on the route of funeral procession:路劫 highway robbery; | 路祭 sacrifices offered on the route of funeral procession; | 路上 en route, on the road;
1. 茶桌和路祭棚多为丧家的亲朋摆设,对丧家表示哀悼和慰问。
Desk and LuJi tents for the family decoration, mourning for mourning expression sympathy and condolences.
2. 在起杠后,遇有路祭,经过十字路口,河沿,桥梁祠庙,城门,以及下葬时,都要扬撒纸钱。
In a bar, LuJi, after crossing bridge, temple, riverside house gates, and buried, and then to pack.
3. 路祭的解释
3. 在告别仪式之后,卢武铉的路祭在首尔市政厅前的首尔广场举行,18万名追悼者参加了路祭。
After the ceremony, Roh's funeral procession moved to the Seoul Plaza in front of the city hall for a public mourning event where more than 180000 people attended.
4. 如扬纸钱,摆茶桌路祭等。
If young spirit, LuJi desk.
5. 路祭是什么意思
5. 路祭是指在出殡队伍所经之路设供桌或祭棚,祭奠亡灵,遇有路祭,送葬队伍一般要停柩进行祭奠和答谢,祭奠完毕即起棺继续前行。
LuJi refers to a funeral procession in the fifth set path or offering tents, and their departed LuJi, funeral procession to stop Jiu are generally drink and reciprocate to complete: coffin continued.
6. 路祭的解释
6. 公元二00六年四月七日五时许,父亲病故,在老家停灵五天,出殡当日早,雾云密布,阴沉沉的,大有大雨倾盆之势,姑母拈香诵经,欲祈云开日出,巳时许,果中天晃明,周边云沉,直到待完宾客亲朋,滴雨未下,三时过出殡,路祭时略有雨滴。
It happens in a flash, and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None are so rich that they can get along without it, and none are so poor but are richer for a smile.