








路头 网络解释

1. 路头的近义词

1. road head:road capacity;道路容量; ; | road head;路头;Rdhd; | road repair company;修路连;ROADCOY;

2. loothau:loosun 廬筍 | loothau 路頭 | looting 路燈

3. 路头的意思

3. Road God, a god of Wealth:灵座台:a table with a spirit tablet | 路头:Road God, a god of Wealth | 罗汉:Arhat

路头 双语例句

1. 路头的翻译

1. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心,你在这破土瓶中虽然不免要凄凄寂寂地飘零,但比遗弃在路头被人践踏了的好罢?
    Oh, dear roses, despite the mellow spring wine I could not afford you, I would offer you limpid spring water together with my gentle pure heart. You would wither away in this shabby adobe bottle in grief and solitude, but wouldn't it be better than to be abondoned and trampled by the wayside?

2. 从路头大概100米,它在你左手方,湖应该在你的右手方。
    It`s on your left— the lake will be on your right.

3. 从路头大概100米,它在你左手方,湖应该在你的右手方。
    It`s about 100 metres from the beginning of the street.

4. 从路头大概100米,它在你左手方,湖应该在你的右手方。
    It ` s about 100 metres from the beginning of the street. It ` s on your left – the lake will be on your right.

5. 路头的近义词

5. 路由绑定是保证同一数据流的所有分组经由相同的路径传送的方法,本文利用IPv6扩展包头中的选路头选项来实现这一功能。
    Routing binding is to make sure that all the packets belonging to the same flow to be transferred along the same path.

6. 路头什么意思

6. 论文的工作主要包括三部分:选路头的路由绑定、基于资源发现的接纳控制算法和动态自适应加权公平队列调度算法。
    The researches in this thesis mainly include three aspects: routing binding of the routing option, the admission control algorithm based on resource discovery and dynamic adaptive weighted fair queue algorithm.

7. 路头上的一个告示警告人们不要再往前走。
    Leave without notice, ie without giving the agreed amount of warning

8. 路头

8. 通过对第十二届欧洲杯和第十三届亚洲杯足球赛全部头顶球技术的运用情况的统计研究,我们可以得出很多有价值的结论,例如:一、欧洲杯与亚洲杯随着上下半场比赛的继续呈下降趋势,上下半场刚开始的前20min头顶球次数最多;二、欧洲杯和亚洲杯后场头顶球最多,中场次之,前场最少;中路最多,两边路头顶球次数相当;三、头顶球主要是中后场队员较多采用的一种技术;四、两届杯赛各区域对抗程度前场最高,中场次之,后场最低。
    We can make some useful confusions according to the statistic researches of using application of the 12th men's Euro cup and 13th men's Asian cyp, for example, first, the Euro cup and Asia cup decline as the two equal periods going, at the first 20 min of the two equal periods, it has the most head-kicks. Second, head-kick appears most in backcourts, second in midfield, and the least in fore court; most in mid-way, the same in the two sides. The third, the head-kick mostly used by players of midfield and backcourts. The forth, the scale of antagonism is most in fore court, second in midfield, and the least in backcourts.

9. 路头的近义词

9. 他们刚买了路头的那座房子。
    They've just bought the house at the end of the road.

10. 路头的反义词

10. 只有坚持到最后,才能成为那个踩在路头上的勇者。
    Only if we persists in our dreams can we become the heroes on the road of life.

11. 半桌是饭、面、菜,一碗路头饭中插一根大葱,葱管内插一株千年红,寓意兴冲冲、年年红。
      Semi-table is the rice, noodles, vegetables, a bowl of rice in the first inserted one way scallions, onions tube inserted a millennium red, it means excitedly, mid-red.

12. 灯光佮烟火一下煞,庆祝会瞋(cin5)带阔朗朗 e5树仔共排归列伫闪士埃丽司 e5路头,遐巴黎人每冬过年酒会 e5所在唅伫遐职摆有21 张飞车辇(lian2)会开始转起来,块载著特技演员佮音乐家伫车顶表演咧噢。
      Once the lights and firework end, celebrations will forcus on the wide tree - lined Champs - Elysees, where Parisians each year party in the New Year and where this time around 21 ferry wheels will begin to turn, carrying acrobats and musicians on board.

13. 路头

13. 止 long3系统想卜为共分心 e5驶车 e*,因无块僬(ciau5)注意路头,就因用车电话交谈,捘(cun7)收音机或想卜安搭伫后壁座。
      The crash-avoidance system is intended for distracted drivers who are not paying car phone, tune a radio or try to settle a fight among siblings in the back seat.
