




趾爪 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 一定注意,每一哥趾爪的基部都有血管神经。
    Must note that the base of each brother has a claw foot vessels and nerves.

2. 此外,对脚枕和趾爪边上的毛,也要经常剪短以防滑倒。
    In addition, foot and toe claw edge of pillow hair, but also often cut short to prevent slipping.

3. 无论是穿鞋不当或其他什么原因导致的脚病(如某些畸形足或所谓的锤趾爪趾),这些老茧带来疼痛在家里进行一些日常护理有时也是可以缓解的。例如经常用热水泡脚、使用药店买的鞋垫或穿适码的鞋子等,这些护理措施都可以减轻你脚趾所承受压力。
    Whether brought on by improperly fitting shoes or another cause (such as certain foot deformities called hammer toe or claw toe), the pain from these calluses can sometimes be reduced at home, by soaking your feet regularly and wearing drug store-bought pads, carefully positioned on the toe to relieve the pressure.

4. 趾爪

4. 大型犬与中型犬,因为常常在粗糙的地面上活动,可以自动磨平长出的趾爪
    Large dog and medium-sized dogs, because often the activities on the ground in the rough, you can automatically grind the toe claws grow.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 譬如,在动物学里,关于哺乳动物的分类所采取的原则,是以动物的牙齿和趾爪为准的。
    Thus, in zoology, the ground of division adopted in the classification of the mammalia is mainly afforded by their teeth and claws.
