


词典cross country race越野跑;[体]越野赛跑。

词典cross country running[体]越野赛跑。

越野赛跑 网络解释

1. cross-country race:cross country jumping 越野跳躍 | cross country race 越野賽跑 | cross country skiing 越野滑雪

2. 越野赛跑的翻译

2. Cross-country:NCC-学生军 | Cross-country-越野赛跑 | NPCC-学生警察

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Road Run:Distinction 特优 | Road Run 越野赛跑 | Annual Track and Field Championship 常年田径运动会

4. 越野赛跑的意思

4. cross-country n:advisor v 辅导教师 | video production n phr 录像带制作 | cross-country n 越野赛跑

越野赛跑 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 麦登在十七岁时就被卖掉了,后被带到英国参加越野赛跑
    Maidan, then seventeen, was sold, taken to england and put to steeple chase racing

2. 85布卢姆:(身着年轻人穿的一套时髦的蓝色牛津服装,白色窄肩背心,头戴褐色登山帽。怀里是一块绅士用的纯银沃特伯里牌转柄表,佩着一条缀有图章的艾伯特双饰链。半边身子满是厚厚一层泥巴。)是越野赛跑的选手,父亲。
    BLOOM:(In youth's smart blue Oxford suit with white vestslips, narrowshouldered, in brown Alpine hat, wearing gent's sterling silver waterbury keyless watch and double curb Albert with seal attached, one side of him coated with stiffening mud) Harriers, father.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 是谁给我报名参加星期六的越野赛跑的?
    Who gave my name in for the cross-country run on Saturday?

4. 8月8日清晨,我的学校在樟宜村的海滩上举办越野赛跑
    On 8 August, My school had a cross-country Run at Changi Beach.

5. 光化学氧化剂一直与健康的越野赛跑运动员的成绩下降有关。
    Photochemical oxidants have been associated with impaired athletic performance in healthy cross-country runners.

6. 在学校,因其旺盛的精力,Corinne被选中参加越野赛跑,因此她平时总是尽可能地跑步。
    At school, Corinne, with bags of energy, discovered cross-country, and so she ran as often as possible.

7. 越野赛跑

7. 不同於其他越野赛跑的是,定向越野要求选手以自己的路线翻山越岭。
    Unlike other cross-country races, orienteering requires participants to navigate their own route across the course.

8. 越野赛跑

8. 观看他们的比赛感觉棒极了,无论是击剑还是越野赛跑,美式足球还是篮球。
    Wathching an Ivy League game is wonderful, whether it's fencing, cross-country running, American football or basketball.

9. 本研究发展一蚁群最佳化演算法求解越野赛跑问题,此问题可被视为一广义之旅行推销员问题,其应用范围极为广泛。
    This paper develops an ant colony optimization approach to the orienteering problem, a general version of the well-known traveling salesman problem with many relevant applications in industry.

10. 我们选择了越野赛跑
    We chose to do cross-country running.

11. danci.911chaxun.com

11. 麦登在十七岁时就被卖掉了,后被带到英国参加越野赛跑
      Maidan, then seventeen, was sold, taken to England and put to steeple chase racing.

12. 这次越野赛跑由我校负责筹办。
      Our college is to make arrangements for the cross-country race.

13. 越野赛跑的近义词

13. 我正在进行越野赛跑的训练。
      I'm in training for a cross-country run.

14. 越野赛跑是什么意思

14. 随着比赛规则的标准化,越野赛跑和越野识途跑越来越国际化。
      Cross-country running and orienteering are becoming more and more international as requirements and rules are standardized.

15. 非越位的处于这种位置,以便在不违反规则的条件下踢球或接同伴的传球随着比赛规则的标准化,越野赛跑和越野识途跑越来越国际化。
      In such a position as to be able to play or receive a ball or puck legally. Cross-Country Running and Orienteering are becoming more and more international as requirements and rules are standardized.

16. 她每年参加越野赛跑并经常获胜。
      She ran in the cross-country race every year and often won.

17. 越野赛跑

17. 是谁给我报名参加星期六的越野赛跑的?
      Who gave my name in for the cross - country run on Saturday?

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 史密斯说,我感觉就像为了逃命在不停地全速奔跑。18岁的史密斯是个高中生,家住附近的约克城(Yorktown),他在学校参加过径赛和越野赛跑
      'I felt like it was just nonstop sprinting for my life, 'said the 18-year-old from nearby Yorktown.

19. danci.911chaxun.com

19. 它猛地奔跑起来,像头身细腿长的细狗飞越过旷野,四蹄几乎腾空。光化学氧化剂一直与健康的越野赛跑运动员的成绩下降有关。
      He exploded into a run, flying over the filed like a greyhound, his hooves barely touching the ground. Photochemical oxidants have been associated with impaired athletic performance in healthy cross-country runners.

20. 越野赛跑

20. 史密斯说,我感觉就像为了逃命在不停地全速奔跑。18岁的史密斯是个高中生,家住附近的约克城(Yorktown),他在学校参加过径赛和越野赛跑
      'I felt like it was just nonstop sprinting for my life,'said the 18-year-old from nearby Yorktown.
