

趁时 双语例句

1. 趁时的翻译

1. 因为,一方面我不想碰到这些残忍的家伙,不想对他们进行攻击;另一方面,我生怕自己一旦碰上他们会受不住诱惑,把我原来的计划付诸实施,生怕自己看到有机可趁时对他们进行突然袭击。
    That I might not be tempt ed to renew any of my contrivances against them, or be provok'd by any advantage which might present it self, to fall upon them

2. 趁时

2. 因为,一方面我不想碰到这些残忍的家伙,不想对他们进行攻击;另一方面,我生怕自己一旦碰上他们会受不住诱惑,把我原来的计划付诸实施,生怕自己看到有机可趁时对他们进行突然袭击。
    That I might not be tempted to renew any of my contrivances against them, or be provok'd by any advantage which might present it self, to fall upon them

3. danci.911cha.com

3. “自薛蟠父亲死后,各省中所有的买卖承局,总管,伙计人等,见薛蟠年轻不谙世事,便趁时拐骗起来”
    " Moreover, since the death of Xue pan's father, all the managers and assistants in the purveyor's offices of different provinces had taken advantage of his youth and inexperience to start swindling "

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。
    Take time when time comes, nonetheless time steal away.

5. 趁时的近义词

5. “自薛蟠父亲死后,各省中所有的买卖承局,总管,伙计人等,见薛蟠年轻不谙世事,便趁时拐骗起来”
    " Moreover, since the death of Xue pan's father, all the managers and assistants in the purveyor's offices of different provinces had taken advantage of his youth and inexperience to start swindling "
