

起卦 双语例句

1. 综上所述,不管用什么方法起卦,信息来自个体感应是确定无疑的。
    Summarize, whatever means you use to get a hexagram, it is sure that information is from individual influence.

2. 起卦的意思

2. 须知:起卦环境:安静的环境、独自一人、要有诚心原则:一、尽量在想预测某事的第一念头起时,就测;二、一次只能测一件事,不可同时测两件事;三、只自己测,不要测别人;四、若测出结果,不必再测。
    Notes: Qigua Environment: a quiet environment, alone, there must be sincerity principles: First, try to predict something like the first idea from time to time, we measured; 2, one can only measure one thing, and can not be measured at the same time two it; 3, only their own measurements, do not test people; 4, if the measured results, do not have to retest.

3. 起卦在线翻译

3. 须知:起卦环境:安静的环境、独自一人、要有诚心原则:一、尽量在想预测某事的第一念头起时,就测;二、一次只能测一件事,不可同时测两件事;三、只自己测,不要测别人;四、若测出结果,不必再测。
    Note: The environment of starting divinatory trigram, should be quiet, should be one person with whole heartedness. Rules: 1. predict the first thing you want to predict. 2. One time one thing to predict, cannot predict two things at the same time. 3. Predict yourself not others. 4. Not need to predict again once result comes out.

4. 须知:起卦环境:安静的环境、独自一人、要有诚心原则:一、尽量在想预测某事的第一念头起时,就测;二、一次只能测一件事,不可同时测两件事;三、只自己测,不要测别人;四、若测出结果,不必再测。
    Notes: To ensure the quality of the result, you must do the prediction when you are in a silent environment, alone and with sincere desire. At the same time, the following four points are also very helpful to the predicted result:1. Once you want to predict certain thing, please do it immediately

5. 须知:起卦环境:安静的环境、独自一人、要有诚心原则:一、尽量在想预测某事的第一念头起时,就测;二、一次只能测一件事,不可同时测两件事;三、只自己测,不要测别人;四、若测出结果,不必再测。
    Principles:firstly, test the minute you want to predict something at once as you can, secondly, one thing each time, but not two things at the same time. thirdly, test yourself, not others, finally, if you have the results, do not test one more time.

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