


词典be unlucky倒灶;丧气;失意;走背运。

词典be out of luck运气不好;背运;背时;丧气。

词典have bad luck

走背运 双语例句

1. 走背运

1. 看起来我们走背运了。
    Looks like we may be out of luck.

2. 走背运

2. 请相信我,我是个走背运地好人。
    Please believe me then i say i am a nice guy having a bad day.

3. 我一直走背运
    I've been jinx ed!

4. 走背运

4. 马:当你经历走背运的一年----2004,那年无论从你的职业生涯,个人隐私,和法律责任来讲,都是极其艰难的一年。
    Matt Lauer: When you have a year like the one you just had, and you compare it to 2004, and it was a tough year.

5. 我一直走背运
    I've been jinxed!

6. 你必须知道你自己的极限,并且能够察觉到何时走背运,以便在亏损前全身而退。
    You have to know your own limitations and recognize when you're on a bad streak so you can get out of a game before you break your bankroll.

7. 走背运的解释

7. 我看见这棵细弱的小树弯到地上,好象一个走背运的可怜人。
    I found the slender young thing bent to the earth, like an unfortunate creature borne down by misfortune.

8. 上半赛季我一直走背运
    I had a lot of bad luck during the first half of this season

9. 杰夫,我们错了太久,走背运太久。
    Jeff, we've been wrong a lot and unlucky a long time.

10. 没有受到好运气的眷顾;以坏运气为特点、走背运或者结果不幸。
    Not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune.

11. 我不认为德国站走背运,但我们为糟糕的起步付出了代价。
      I would not call what has happened in Germany unlucky, but we paid the price for having a bad start.

12. 走背运什么意思

12. 非常有利或者幸运(例如像得到了神的眷顾)。没有受到好运气的眷顾;以坏运气为特点、走背运或者结果不幸。
      Highly favored or fortunate (as e. g. by divine grace). not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune.

13. 非常有利或者幸运(例如像得到了神的眷顾)。没有受到好运气的眷顾;以坏运气为特点、走背运或者结果不幸。
      Highly favored or fortunate (as e.g. by divine grace). not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune.

14. 走背运

14. 他只是一时走背运,却被这个算卦的人告知是有鬼神祸祟。
      He was just unlucky for a while, but the fortune-teller said that there was some ghost haunting him.
