

走味[zǒu wèi]




词典lose flavour走味。

走味 汉英大词典

走味[zǒu wèi]


lose flavour

走味 网络解释

1. pall:粘丝的、发粘的 ropy, ropiness | 走味 pall | 煮熟味的 cooked flavor

2. danci.911cha.com

2. staleness:stalemate 使无法动棋子; 使陷入困境 (动) | staleness 不新鲜; 污浊; 走味; 陈旧 (名) | Stalin 斯大林 (名)

3. change of odor and flavor caused by deterioration:自然软化法 softening drugs by absorbing natural moisture | 走味 change of odor and flavor caused by deterioration | 走油 appearance of rancid oil seeping onto the surface of drug

走味 双语例句

1. 显然大家尚未从其中学到末牷C就我所知,这一波国际竞图中,多数的工作现在都处於停缮L法进行下去或走味了。
    Obviously we have not learned from one end of Quan C far as I know, this wave of international competition, the majority of work has now stopped calligraphist L are in France go on, or stale of.

2. 走味什么意思

2. 奇异果里头的酶如果长时间和奶制品接触的话,那么奶制品很容易走味
    The enzyme in kiwi will produce off-flavor with milk if left standing. Drink within about15 minutes of making.

3. 走味的、沉滞的:由于通风过度或受产膜酵母的侵染,葡萄酒变得缺乏香气及新鲜爽口感。
    Lack of bouquet and freshness of a wine through too much aeration or infection with film yeasts.

4. 走味的翻译

4. 茶叶走味了。
    The tea has lost its flavour.

5. 有人认为橄榄会使马丁尼酒走味
    The olive is spoken of as the ruination of martini.

6. 走味的翻译

6. 她正嘟哝着抱怨她那走味的陈年食糖。
    She was mumbling away about her rotten old sugar.

7. 走味的、滞的:由于通风过度或受产膜酵母的侵染,葡萄酒变得缺乏香气及新鲜爽口感。
    Stale. Lack of bouquet and freshness of a wine through too much aeration or infection with film yeasts.

8. 走味

8. 他们住的走味有高大树木的房子里。
    They live in the house surrounded by tall trees.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. 你要走味
    Are you ready to go?

10. 走味的意思

10. 这样走味的爱情为何又要继续呢?
    This point of view is getting stale.

11. 走味的反义词

11. 这样你还可以检查一下看是否有任何走味现象;如有的话,可能是酒变味了
      This will also allow you to Check for any off odors that might indicate spoiled wine.

12. 走味的意思

12. 不新鲜的,走味
      no longer fresh and often tasting or smelling unpleasant
