


词典acne rosacea酒糟鼻。

赤鼻 双语例句

1. 赤鼻的解释

1. 赤鼻棱鯷由1.3。是行政程序的棱心。
    And it is the heart of administrative procedure as well.

2. 赤鼻什么意思

2. 综合考虑个体数、重量、出现频率等因素,把珠江口鱼类的优势种确定为优势度大于1 000的丽叶鲹、棘头梅童鱼、凤鲚、银鲳、杜氏棱鳀、带鱼、黄斑鲾和赤鼻棱鳀等8种,分析了优势种的区域和季节变化。
    The result described seasonal and spafial variations and showed that the waters can be divided into four seasons in temporal and five waters types in spatial, and compared with the traditional divided idea, and the rationality of the result was discussed.

3. 长江口门内分布的主要仔鱼种类为凤鲚、赤鼻棱鱼是、中华小公鱼等;长江口门以外分布的主要仔鱼种类为凤鲚、鮻、鲆科、小黄鱼和长蛇鲻等;其中凤鲚、中华小公鱼等的仔鱼和鱼卵较多。5月鱼卵仔鱼的种类和数量较多,2月和11月的较少。
    According to 7 ichthyoplankton resource investigation in Changjiang Estuary during May 2003 to November 2004, there are 51 ichthyoplankton identified to species belonging to 10 Order 26 Family 44 Genus; otherwise there are 4 species identified to Family, 3 species identified to genus and 2 species unidentified.
