1. 赖帐的近义词
1. bilk:bilk 白吃 | bilk 赖帐 | bilkchicanechousegriftnobbleracketeeringtake-in 诈骗
2. welsh:145vouch担保 | 146welsh赖帐 | 147welter混乱
1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
1. 但不要误会我的意思,我的朋友不是赖帐的人。
But do not get me wrong. My friend was not a deadbeat.
2. 你不会以为我会赖帐吧?
You didn`t think I wasn`t good for it?
3. 有一点可以放心他们是绝对付款给你,不会赖帐的。
They can rest assured that there is absolutely payments to you, not the owing.
4. 有些人总是想赖帐
And there are some people who always try to get out of paying.
5. 赖帐的近义词
5. 我想如果你们有很充足的理由证明这些钱是必需的,是花在孩子身上的,我们是不会赖帐的。
I think if the school have adequate reasons to prove the necessity and legality of this payment, we will not certainly deny it.
6. 有两种方式可以消除这些债务:赖帐或是通过通胀进行消除。
There are only two ways to get rid of high debt: default onit or inflate it away.
7. 同时,媒体报道的关于父亲的故事中,骂人的丈夫和赖帐的父亲占据了很大的比例。
Meanwhile, a high proportion of media stories about fathers focus on abusive husbands or deadbeat dads.
8. 欠帐、赖帐等不正常的贸易手段和现象,最终打破双方贸易平衡格局,表现为贸易萎缩,这就是困难期的主要表现和特征。减少
These cause the rise in costs of China enterprises, no order competition at a low price, tiny benefit or management at a loss, and falsification in products, fakement and no delivery on schedule from part manufacturers, unreasonable counterclaim, demand a low price, payment delayed and bilk of part customer, which break the balance in trade, showing trade atrophy, which is the behavior and characteristic in difficult period.
9. 赖帐什么意思
9. 他赖帐不还。
He welshed on his debts.
10. 文莱人住房,多是政府盖好提供,屋款已经很便宜了,还可以无息每月从薪水中扣,即便如此,还是有不少人赖帐不还,政府无可奈何。
What is more, the payment for houses can be deducted from wages with free interest every month, Nevertheless, many people still welshed on their debts while the government can do nothing about it.
11. 赖帐
11. 正因为“老太太”们的“断供”和房地产商及其关联的“赖帐”,从而使得金融危机爆发。
It is precisely because of " old lady " in the " default " and the real estate and their associated " bilk ", making the outbreak of the financial crisis.
12. 但是“债转股”的实践操作中如果政策把握不准、措施操作不当,很可能偏离预定的方向,使国有银行、企业难以真正市场化、效益化;存在着诱发“赖帐经济”的道德风险。
Misunderstanding of policy, no-good operating of measure, however, may departure the pre-designed direction to cause " bilk economy venture ".
13. 处理起来最核心的问题就是:必须清楚的判断客户“赖帐”的真实原因,它将决定我们究竟应该采取什么样的后续行动。
Processes the most core the question is: Must the clear judgment customer " repudiate a debt " the real reason, it will decide that actually we should take what follow-up action.
14. 911查询·英语单词
14. 在我朋友面前说我赖帐。
Embarrassing me in front of my friends, like I'm a deadbeat.
15. 如果拖欠债务的人并非专好赖帐的老油条,而是手头真地有困难,那么催收公司也就没多少可赚了。
When the people behind on their bills aren't classic deadbeats but are truly tapped out, debt collectors also get pinched.
16. 赖帐
16. 赖帐不还帐或不付工钱给他人从而欺骗他人。
To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager.
17. 赖帐什么意思
17. 你希望讨回赖帐客户的欠款吗?
Do you wish to secure payment from a recalcitrant customer?
18. 赖帐的近义词
18. 自上周五以来,斯塔恩斯就一直被自己的员工囚禁,员工们称老板欠他们工资,并担心他会赖帐。
Since Friday, he has been a prisoner of his staff, who accuse him of owing wages and fear he will default.
19. 信贷市场中的信贷配给与赖帐行为分析
An Analysis of Credit Rationing and Bilking Behavior in Credit Market
20. 正因为“老太太”们的“断供”和房地产商及其关联的“赖帐”,从而使得金融危机爆发。
It is precisely because of " old lady " in the " default " and the real estate and their associated " bilk ", making the outbreak of the financial crisis.