

赔笑[péi xiào]


词典smile obsequiously or apologetically赔笑。

赔笑 汉英大词典

赔笑[péi xiào]

smile obsequiously or apologetically

赔笑 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 克林顿先生,毫无疑问被提醒不要为金同志帮忙,这次是铁了心不赔笑了。
    Mr Clinton, no doubt asked to do nothing to help Mr Kim`s cause, was determined above all, well, not to smile.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 我们每到一处,总是被一群人围着前恭后迎,小心赔笑奉承有加,连到餐馆吃饭都是老板亲自出马,殷勤备至。
    Wherever we go, there will always be hordes of people eager to surround us with calculated smiles and effusive flattery. Even when we go to a restaurant, the restaurant owner himself will come out and act like a servant.

3. 赔笑

3. 辛楣打拱赔笑地道歉,还称赞鸿渐有涵养,说自己在校长室讲话,李梅亭直闯进来,咆哮得不成提统。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于blustering的最新解释和例句。。。。
    Clasping his hands and smiling apologetically, Hsin-mei praised Hung-chien for his forbearance, and told him how Li Mei-t'ing had come barging in, blustering disgracefully while he was talking in the president's office

4. 赔笑在线翻译

4. 我赔笑脸道:哦,善始善终呗。
    Ah well, I say with a smile, all's well that ends well.

5. 鸿渐听她口气松动,赔笑说:“一切瞧我面上,受点委屈。”
    Hearing her lighthearted tone, Hung-chien smiled and said, " For my sake, suffer a little injustice. "

6. 赔笑

6. 鸿渐听她口气松动,赔笑说:“一切瞧我面上,受点委屈。”
    Hearing her lighthearted tone, Hung-chien smiled and said," For my sake, suffer a little injustice. "
