

赏善罚恶[shǎng shàn fá è]

词典reward the virtuous [good] and punish the wicked [bad]


词典bless the good and punish the evil赏善罚恶。

词典reward the good people and punish the wicked赏善罚恶。

赏善罚恶 汉英大词典

赏善罚恶[shǎng shàn fá è]


reward the virtuous [good] and punish the wicked [bad]; bless the good and punish the evil; reward the good people and punish the wicked

赏善罚恶 双语例句

1. 新一代居于顺从的问题,而他们对于制度的社会化需要赏善罚恶的确立。
    The new generation posits a problem of compliance, and its socialization into the institutional order requires the establishment of sanctions.

2. 赏善罚恶什么意思

2. 我们住在一个道德宇宙中,神将赏善罚恶,若不是在今世就是在死后。
    We live in a moral universe: God will reward good and punish evil, if not in this life then in the next.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 这些想法中的其中一个是设立一个公共竞技场来充当审判场所,赏善罚恶全是随机的。
    One of the king's ideas was a public arena as an agent of poetic justice. Crime was punished, or innocence was decided, by the result of chance.

4. 赏善罚恶在线翻译

4. 它是否可能忽略记叙文中的赏善罚恶,并且只在结论采取反对立场的建议,这种作法代表诗意正义吗?
    Is it possible to ignore the way in which any work of narrative distributes rewards and punishments at its conclusion and take a stand against the suggestion that this distribution represents poetic justice?

5. 赏善罚恶在线翻译

5. 他们赏善罚恶
    They healed the sick and they hurt the mean.

6. 赏善罚恶的近义词

6. 证明上天既是周人的最高主宰,又是赏善罚恶的力量,是周代世人价值观和道德信念的最高标尺。
    This showed that God was both the highest authority and the power of justice. It was the highest ruler on the values and moral beliefs of the Zhou Dynasty.

7. 赏善罚恶的近义词

7. 揭示出1:由于人们对上天赏善罚恶的敬畏,不仅自发地规范自己的道德行为,也会在处理自己与他人及社会之间的利害冲突时有所顾虑,必要时做出退让和牺牲。
    Because of the fear of the dynasty, people not only spontaneously regulated their moral behavior, but also had concerns about dealing with conflict of interest between themselves and the community.
