1. 许多贪婪无耻的教徒曲解`四资具`——衣食住药,将其制作得华贵无比,远远超过实际所需。
They will make these into luxuries, far richer than they really need.
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2. 他们不储藏,饮食时适当地省察。他们的目标是空与无相的解脱。他们的去处无法追寻,如同鸟在天空中所经之路。(注:不储藏是指不再造业或不储藏四资具。省察是指以三遍知省察。空、无相与解脱皆是指涅槃。
Those, who do not accumulate and have well understood food, whose sphere is the void emancipation without attributes - their course is difficult to find out - like the course of the birds in the sky.