

贼赃[zéi zāng]


词典booty战利品; 赃物;获得之物;臀部。



词典stolen goods赃物;赃;失窃货物;贼赃。

贼赃 汉英大词典

贼赃[zéi zāng]

stolen goods; booty; spoils

贼赃 网络解释

1. stealing:stealing 偷垒 | stealing 有偷窃行为的 | stealing 贼赃

2. hotgoods:hot gluing ==> 热胶合,热压粘结 | hot goods ==> 贼赃 | hot hardness ==> 热硬度,热硬性

3. 贼赃的反义词

3. stealing : n:prevent : vt. vi. 预防,防止,避免,阻止,妨碍 | stealing : n. 偷窃,偷垒,贼赃;a. 有偷窃行为的 | livelihood : n. 生计,营生,生活

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Zei zang:六合八法 Liu he ba fa ------- (1981) | 贼赃 Zei zang ------- (1980) | 踢馆 Ti guan ------- (1980)

贼赃 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 我只能盼望终有一天当法兰西而卸下她那沉重的良心负担,并洗脱她的罪名,那就是把从圆明园掠夺而来的贼赃系数归还个中国!
    I can only hope that there will come one day when France will di***urden herself of the heavy load on her conscience and cleanse herself of the crime by returning to China all the spoils taken from the Winter Palace.

2. 笑姑接到黑帮电话,指她独吞了阿金的贼赃,笑姑不知如何应付。
    Meanwhile Xiao Gu receives a call from the triad claming that she kept Ah Jin`s stolen booty.

3. 多年来专门为祖接收贼赃的买家保曼要祖为他偷窃藏於机场货机内一批价值连城的瑞士金。
    Moore and his partner, Bobby Blane and their utility man, Pinky Pincus find themselves broke, betrayed, and blackmailed.

4. 多年来专门为祖接收贼赃的买家保曼要祖为他偷窃藏於机场货机内一批价值连城的瑞士金。
    Moore and his partner, Bobby Blane and their utility man, Pinky Pincus find themselves broke, betrayed, and blackmailed. Moore is forced to commit his crew to do Bergman's one Last Big Job.

5. 这辆汽车我是正大光明买下来的,我不知道那是贼赃
    I bought the car in good faith. I didn`t know it was stolen.

6. 他是个毒品贩子[贼赃贩子]。
    He's a dealer in drugs/stolen goods.

7. 这辆汽车我是正大光明买下来的,我不知道那是贼赃
    I bought the car in good faith. I didn't know it was stolen.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 翌日,两兄弟前往收藏贼赃之处时,被贪婪的邓辉看见。
    The next day, when the brothers go to hide the money, they are seen by fai, a greedy man.

9. 他是个毒品贩子[贼赃贩子]。
    He's a dealer in drugs / stolen goods.
