



贼溜溜 双语例句

1. 贼溜溜的解释

1. 他狭长的脸又瘪又瘦,一对薄薄的嘴唇,两排黄黄的龅牙,两眼贼溜溜地东张西望,使人一看就知道他是个撒谎行家。
    He had a narrow, pinched face, with thin lips and yellow buckteeth. His eyes were darting and furtive and you disbelieved him before he even opened his mouth.

2. 贼溜溜的反义词

2. 它长着贼溜溜的眼睛,长尾巴,走起路来就象这样。
    Ben: Well, it had beedy little eyes and a long tail, and went like this.

3. 贼溜溜

3. 于是,我就猫着腰,贼溜溜地跑到了箱子旁边,再瞧瞧四周,生怕被捉的伙伴抓住。
    So I Maozhao Yao, thieves went to the box next to the YO-YO, and then look around, for fear of the partners to seize caught.

4. 他还有一只小斗狗,光看外表你准以为它一钱不值,就配在那儿拴着,一副贼溜溜的样子,老想偷点什么。
    And he had a little small bull-pup, that to look at him you'd think he warn't worth a cent but to set around and look ornery and lay for a chance to steal something.

5. 一只青蛙躲进草丛,它看见银环蛇贼溜溜的眼睛四周一转,一张大嘴扑向一只青蛙,把它吞了下去。
    A frog hid in the grass, it YinHuanShe saw a bold around the eyes, a big mouth pouncing on frog and swallow it down.

6. 而我不敢有丝毫闪失,干什么都全力以赴,人家还是骂我淘气鬼,讨厌坯,骂我阴丝丝,贼溜溜,从早上骂到下午,从下午骂到晚上。
    I dared commit no fault; I strove to fulfil every duty; and I was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaking, from morning to noon, and from noon to night.

7. 贼溜溜的近义词

7. 而我不敢有丝毫闪失,干什麼都全力以赴,人家还是骂我淘气鬼,讨厌坯,骂我阴丝丝,贼溜溜,从早上骂到下午,从下午骂到晚上。
    I dared commit no fault: I strove to fulfil every duty, and I was termed naughty and tiresome, sullen and sneaking, from morning to noon, and from noon to night.

8. 她的美貌,她红润的面颊,金色的卷发,使得她人见人爱,一俊般可遮百丑……而我敢有丝毫闪失,该做的事都努力做好,人家还是骂我淘气鬼,讨厌坯,骂我阴丝丝,贼溜溜,从早上骂到中午,从中午骂到晚上。
    Georgianna, who had a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite, a captious and insolent carriage, was universally indulged.
