

贻笑大方[yí xiào dà fāng]

词典expose oneself to ridicule贻笑大方。

词典be laughed at by (the) experts

词典be laughed at by those who know贻笑大方。

词典become a laughingstock of the learned people见笑于大方之家;贻笑大方。

贻笑大方 汉英大词典

贻笑大方[yí xiào dà fāng]

expose oneself to ridicule; be laughed at by (the) experts; be laughed at by those who know; become a laughingstock of the learned people; give an expert cause for laughter; incur the ridicule of experts; laughed at by all respectable people; make laughing

  例:我是个外行, 我说的话可能贻笑大方, 可我还是要说几句。

    I'm a layman. What I'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule, yet I still want to say a few words.

贻笑大方 网络解释

1. Jokers:12. 巨人来袭 Bouncers | 13. 贻笑大方 Jokers | 14. 电话技师 The telephone repairman

2. 贻笑大方什么意思

2. be laughed at by those who know:890. 集大成 composition which embodies contributions of previous scholars | 891. 貽笑大方 be laughed at by those who know | 892. 洋洋大觀 an impressive array (of exhibits, buildings, etc.)

3. yi xiao da fang:一蹶不振 yi jue bu zhen | 贻笑大方 yi xiao da fang | 一蹴而就 yi cu er jiu

贻笑大方 双语例句

1. 不擅长英语的人在擅长英语的人面前说英语是一件贻笑大方的事。
    Someone who is not good at English speak English to someone who is good at English is an interesting thing.

2. 贻笑大方的反义词

2. 我如果遭到不测,我希望我妻子能知道我并没有贻笑大方
    If anything should happen to me, I would like my wife to know, that I behaved, decently.

3. 他们把水舀给管筵席的人,岂不是贻笑大方
    They would be foolish to take water to the man in charge.

4. 谁愿意作出这样严重的判断错误而贻笑大方
    Who wants to be caught flagrante delicto with an error of judgment as serious as this?

5. 有的时候,误用成语是会贻笑大方的。
    You can make yourself a laughing stock by using idioms in a incorrect way.

6. 贻笑大方的反义词

6. 我希望永远不须依赖运动来推进文明,否则必然贻笑大方,成为世人的话柄。
    I hope we would not resort to that ever, as this would certainly make us a butt of jokes in the eyes of the world!

7. 我是个外行,我说的话可能贻笑大方,可我还是要说几句。
    I'm a layman. What I'm going to say may expose myself to ridicule, yet I still want to say a few words.

8. 贻笑大方在线翻译

8. 但因此就认定苹果被竞争对手抢占了先机,或者说苹果正在模仿竞争对手某种才刚刚面世、根本未成气候的产品,那可就贻笑大方了。
    But it is silly to suggest that apple is behind the curve or playing me-too on something that barely exists, much less at scale.

9. 此后,人们便设立了愚人节,用善意的谎言,告诫那些自以为聪明的人,不要由于轻信,干出贻笑大方的蠢事。
    Since then, it will set up a Fool's Day, with well-intentioned lies, warn those who think that smart people, because not to believe, do the folly of a laughing stock.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 谢谢,我还不知道我的歌可能会贻笑大方呢。
    Thank you. I'm never sure if they get the joke.

11. 贻笑大方的反义词

11. 而里克。佩里曾因提出在边境的一些崎岖之地“建航空机场”比修围墙要划算的建议而被人贻笑大方
      Rick Perry was pilloried for suggesting that in some rugged areas, more " aviation assets in the ground " might be better than fencing.

12. 贻笑大方的意思

12. 而里克。佩里曾因提出在边境的一些崎岖之地“建航空机场”比修围墙要划算的建议而被人贻笑大方
      Rick Perry was pilloried for suggesting that in some rugged areas, more " aviation assets in the ground " might be better than fencing.

13. 贻笑大方

13. 那是在一个美得令人忘乎所以的夜晚,就像传说中的人约黄昏后,心情有些许的激动,脑子幸福得有点模糊,言语开始不由得自己使唤,手脚甚至有些轻轻的不知所措,还好,不是那种青涩年纪,不至于方寸大乱,贻笑大方
      That was a beautiful night and forget it, just like the legendary the mood a bit of emotional well-being of a mind a bit vague, can not help their own words the beginning of disposal, and even some soft hands and feet at a loss Fortunately, not the kind age, not confusion and laughable.
