

Attached with;
贴妥 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 如果您需要我们将扫描过的照片寄还给您,请提供一只贴妥邮资并写好您的邮寄地址的信封。
    But, please remember, if you want your photos back after scanning, please enclose a prepaid and self-addressed envelop, so that we can use it to return your photos.

2. 贴妥

2. 入学申请表2份(上网申请时印,请贴妥2吋半身脱帽近照)。
    Two copies of the completed application form Print out through online application.

3. 贴妥

3. 入学申请表一式二份,并贴妥申请人最近二个月内二吋脱帽半身正面之相片一式三张,请依规定贴妥於申请表上。(第一份申请表贴二张,第二份申请表贴一张)。
    A completed duplicate application form attached with three copies of photos (same size as on passport, taken recently), two are attached to the first application form, and one is attached to the second application form.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 入学申请表2份(上网申请时列印,请贴妥2吋半身脱帽近照)。
    Application procedure. Please attach a recent 2-inch bust and hatless photo.
