

Part two;
贰部 双语例句

1. 不知道讲什么就像和全家心很好D去逛商场(逛商场是由于5月的消磨能量很昌盛,摩羯)然后猛然想去看贰场,但抵触就此发生发火,由于们对去看哪贰部定见不相似。
    So you get situations where the whole family goes out the to mall and enjoys agood mood(the mall because you've got big spending energy in May, Capricorn)until you spontaneously decide to go to amovie and then ahuge argument erupts because you can't agree on which one to see.

2. 目前国际贸易活动中单壹运送商品方式已无法满足消费者,或买方门对门的服务诉求,国际间商品交易采用复合运送方式来运输,卖方出货至买方领货,在消费者意识抬头,服务品质至上原则下,复合运送是个事实,也是个趋势,本篇论文分成参部份,第壹部份谈论载货证券效力及功能、复合运送提单主要内容,第贰部份,讨论复合运送单据主体、运送责任及保险变革,第三部份研究复合运送的国际立法及对国贸条规影响,因篇幅过长,分为参次发表。
    Consumer can not be satisfied with one modal transport of trade goods in international transaction, under the door to door transport goods service appealings, multination business transaction by multimodal transport of goods transporting.
