

购备[ɡòu bèi]


购备 双语例句

1. 我每周都要去一次家乐福,填满背包,再拎着重重的一大包食物,购备一周的食粮。
    What I know is that, according to my routine, I go to Carrefour once a week to stuff my backpack and my huge handbag with food for next week.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 我要购备防毒气面具,要储存抗生素,预防炭疽,要搬到渺无人烟的地区,要学习在野外求生之道,要储存大量的必需品。
    By stocking a supply of anti-biotics to counter anthrax. By moving to a sparsely populated area. By learning how to survive in the wilderness. By stocking a large supply of provisions.

3. 购备在线翻译

3. 我和身兼导游及发展工作者的林子,以及我们所租车子的司机,沿途购备送给孩子们的物资,向西南方向疾驶了几个小时。
    I was met by John-a tour guide and development worker-and my driver and and we drove south west at high speed for some hours after picking up some donated items for the children.
