

贪天之功[tān tiān zhī gōng]


词典lay claim to what one has done nothing to deserve贪天之功。


词典have inordinate ambitions贪天之功。

贪天之功 汉英大词典

贪天之功[tān tiān zhī gōng]

lay claim to what one has done nothing to deserve; have inordinate ambitions

贪天之功 双语例句

1. 我不敢贪天之功,也不愿诿过于人,所以在此篇文章中将所有参与媒体与个人的名字一概隐去,只剩我这一无牵挂之人的名字。
    I don't dare to take credit for the work of others, but at the same time I am not willing to put the blame on someone else, so I removed all the names of both media and individuals who participated in the editorial, leaving only the name of myself who has nothing to lose.

2. 贪天之功什么意思

2. 那也是为什麼我很不喜欢对我自己写的那些曲子贪天之功,邀功请赏。
    That's why I hate to take credit for the songs I've written.

3. 贪天之功是什么意思

3. 没人能对鲁尼的成长贪天之功为己有。
    Nobody can take credit for Wayne`s development.

4. 贪天之功的近义词

4. 我们绝不能贪天之功,将上级的正确领导,其他同志、其他各方面的努力,统统算在自己的身上。
    We can absolutely not give ourselves credit for achievements scored owing to correct leadership at higher levels and the efforts of other comrades and people in other fields of endeavor.

5. 贪天之功的解释

5. 治水的成功,民众的崇拜,权力的集中,地位的上升,很容易使大禹飘飘然,忘乎所以,贪天之功,据为己有,最终导致与民众的彻底分离,成为居于民众之上的至高主宰。
    The success of water management, the public worship, the concentration of power, status increase, it is easy to make Dayu smug and forget greedy days of power, appropriation, ultimately lead to the complete separation of the public to become the people living above the high dominate.

6. 没人能对鲁尼的成长贪天之功为己有。
    Nobody can take credit for Wayne's development.
