

San Xian;
贤圣 双语例句

1. 我相信耶稣、穆罕默德和佛佗还有其他贤圣说的都对,只是翻译上出了差错罢了。
    I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said was right.

2. 只要依著像这样贤圣的修行,有谁还会忧愁死亡的来临呢!
    As long as following such noble practice, who would worry about the arrival of death!

3. 二、佛陀将他所说的法,称为「贤圣、出世、空相应、缘起随顺法」,是值得注意的,这表示了缘起法的特质:缘起法是可以使众生进入贤圣之流;是出世间的;与空相应的。
    It is the manifestation of the character of Dependent Origination: It enables the sentient beings to enter the rank of person of virtuous and saint; to transcend the mundane world, concomitant with emptiness.

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4. 慎到的行为宗旨是,师法万物,不谋而为。人们根本不须向圣人、智者学习,因为一块泥土,实际上就已经包含了道的哲理。故曰:「至於若无知之物而已,无用贤圣,夫块不失道。
    The gist of Shen Dao`s conduct were to imitate the operation of universe; to do things without plan in advance; sage and man of wisdom are useless; a piece of earth however, contains the philosophy of Tao.

5. 贤圣的解释

5. 我曾经为一位比丘说我所证的法,为他说了贤圣、出世、空相应、缘起随顺法,即:有足够的因缘,就有蓄积力量的成熟,然后有事物的生起,亦即:由於无明而有行,由於行而有识,由於识而有名色,由於名色而有六入处,由於六入处而有触,由於触而有受,由於受而有爱,由於爱而有取,由於取而有有,由於有而有生,由於生而有忧悲恼苦、纯大苦的聚集。
    I once told a bhikkhu about the Dharma which I verified, spoke with him about saints and person of virtuous, to transcend the mundane world, the concomitance of emptiness, the Dharma of following the Dependent Origination, i. e., with sufficient causes and conditions, there are ripening of cumulative power, then arisen of events and matters.

6. 贤圣弟子若受乐受,知身必坏;若受苦受、不苦不乐受,知身必坏。
    Pāli, Sanskrit, Tibetan: Parallel and not-parallel divisions regarding the BZA.
