1. 回忆是美的,当年此地的贤主嘉宾是快乐的,所以他们的笑容才会千年来一直延续在今人的唇边。
Memories are beautiful, then here's yin, the main guests are happy, so they will smile for thousands of years has continued in the modern people's lips.
2. 一个人在希冀之中,若其居心是上述三种中最上的,那么他就是一个诚实君子;而那能在有所希冀的人底心里看出他有这种居心的君王,乃是贤主。
He that hath the best of these intentions, when he aspireth [w7], is an honest man: and that prince that can discern of these intentions in another that aspireth, is a wise prince.
3. 陶在归隐后,仍念念不忘樊笼般的社会,仍渴望知遇贤主明君,希望自己的大志能得以伸展。
After being hermit, he still hope to return to society and to meet a good emperor and that he can achieve own ideal.