1. 财位在线翻译
1. 这个户型的公共区域设计,把餐厅和客厅的那堵墙做个改造,这样不仅拓宽了客厅的视觉线,利用了中国园林设计中借景的做法,不过此处更多的用意是借光,进门斜对角是中国传统饿财位,放置一颗招财树是个不错的选择,也能净化室内空气,进门的右手边上是个作用搁物柜,一来可以阻挡门外带进的灰尘进如客厅,二来也将区域分隔,我们中国人很讲风水,在进门的左手方向是鞋柜,上面放置一副佛教题材的作品,不仅可以增加室内气氛,使空间稳定,安静。
The size of the design of public areas, restaurants and the living room wall to be modified so that not only broadens the living room of the visual lines, the use of Chinese garden design by King, but here is intended to more Jieguang, ramp door Diagonal is a traditional Chinese financial hungry, to place a Lucky tree is a good choice as well as indoor air purification, the right hand edge of the door is a role-counters put a stop to the door can be brought into the dust into the living room, such as And second to the region will also be separated, we talk about feng shui is the Chinese people in the door is left shoe, placed above a Buddhist theme of the work, not only can increase the indoor atmosphere, so that the stability of the space and quiet.
2. danci.911chaxun.com
2. 正确地使用两仪元辰灯,选择适当的财位摆放,就可在无形中聚集家中、办公室或商家的财运,使你日进斗金,财运广通。
As long as you use the magic lamp correctly, it may buildup your house, office, or store's cashbox and even it can let you make a pile!
3. 在阳宅风水中,不论商店或住宅,都有财位和旺方。
Feng Shui in阳宅, both shops or homes, there are places and Wang Fang FC.
4. 一对就摆在我家的财位。
I placed one pair at my door
5. 摆设时以财位为优先考虑,如果不方便的话,则改在旺方。
Display when the fiscal position in order to consider as a priority, if inconvenient, then the change in side-wang.
6. 公司行号或居家的财位放一个白水晶簇,可镇宅挡煞。
Companies or the financial position at home, one Baishui Transmission can be evil town house block.