

貌似强大[mào sì qiáng dà]


词典look quite strong貌似强大。


词典appear very powerful貌似强大。

词典be seemingly strong貌似强大。


词典be strong [powerful] in appearance

貌似强大 汉英大词典

貌似强大[mào sì qiáng dà]

look quite strong; appear very powerful; be seemingly strong; be strong [powerful] in appearance; outwardly strong; seemingly powerful:

  例:他们貌似强大, 实质虚弱。

    They look strong but are inwardly weak.

貌似强大 双语例句

1. 如此看来,法规貌似强大,在网络时代,BUG百出。
    Look so, code is seemingly powerful, in network times, BUG100 goes out.

2. 帝国主义貌似强大,其实是很虚弱的。
    Imperialism seems powerful but is indeed weak.

3. 有些东西貌似强大,其实软弱。
    Some things seem powerful but are really weak.

4. 没有灵丹妙药,但俄罗斯只是过于自信,貌似强大
    There is no quick fix, but an over-confident Russia is weaker than it looks

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5. 他们貌似强大,实质虚弱。
    They look strong but are inwardly weak.

6. 可是,西班牙还是不怎么让人放心,总是象英格兰一样,给我们一种貌似强大的假象。
    A bit like England, but with more flair, the Spaniards always seem to flatter to deceive.

7. 貌似强大实质却异常脆弱的公共利益正面临着日益加剧的潜在威胁或实际的损害。
    Public benefits which looks strong and big in appearance but fragile in essence is facing increasingly the latent threat that turn worse with physically of damage.

8. 貌似强大的近义词

8. 貌似强大的人啊,面对世界你需要怀着敬畏之心、谦卑之心,别有点小钱就得色。
    We humankind need to be respectful and humble when facing the world.

9. 永远不要在武力面前低头,永远不要在貌似强大的敌人面前屈服。
    Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently over whelming might of the enemy.
