

豪语[háo yǔ]




词典brave words豪言壮语。

豪语 汉英大词典

豪语[háo yǔ]


brave words

豪语 网络解释

1. 豪语什么意思

1. grandiloquencemagniloquence:grandiloquence 夸张之言 | grandiloquencemagniloquence 豪语 | grandiositygrandness 宏伟

豪语 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 一个与他们一样的人,竟敢作此豪语,这是他们所不能容忍的。
    That a man like themselves should make such pretensions they could not tolerate.

2. 豪语

2. 他发豪语他能击败任何人。
    He boasted that there was nobody he could not defeat.

3. 人们在竞选活动中总会听到许多夸大不实的豪语
    People always hear a lot of hot air during an election campaign.

4. 豪语

4. 十四年之后,所有的人都不得不承认,密特朗的确实现了他的豪语
    Fourteen years thereafter, no one could fail to concede that Mitterrand had indeed made good on this bold promise.

5. 豪语在线翻译

5. 临行前,他立下了豪语:如果不赢一大笔钱就不打算回来上班了。
    Before he left, he made a bold promise that he would not come back to work if he did not hit the jackpot.

6. 你们别再三说诳言,别口出豪语;上主是全知的天主,人的行为由他衡量。
    Do not multiply to speak lofty things, boasting: let old matters depart from your mouth: for the Lord is a God of all knowledge, and to him are thoughts prepared.

7. 你们别再三说诳言,别口出豪语;上主是全知的天主,人的行为由他衡量。
    Speak boastfully no longer, nor let arrogance issue from your mouths. For an all-knowing God is the LORD, a God who judges deeds.

8. 我们对他这句豪语应当有所感悟。
    May we be inspired by his noble words.
