1. 很兴奋昨晚在音乐会的现场看到了谢庭锋的真人。
Keys: It was exciting to see Xie Ting Feng live in concert last night.
2. 谢庭的反义词
2. 刻`体现在时间上,表达可口可乐紧跟时代步伐,以谢庭锋、张百芝等当红歌星为代言,目标锁定在青少年一代,以此达到抗衡百事可乐的目的。
Moment'embodied in time, the expression of Coca-Cola keeping in step with the times, Ningbo University Feng, Zhang Chi 100 pop artists such as hers. focused on the younger generation, thus achieving the purpose of counter Pepsi.
3. 采用谢庭生的粮食产量预测模型,对驻马店市2010年和2020年粮食产量进行了预测;通过对驻马店市水资源承载力以及耕地承载力进行了叠加分析,进而将驻马店市2020年水土资源承载力空间配置分为四种类型:一是水土资源较强无压力区包括确山、正阳和泌阳三县;二是水土资源无压力区包括遂平和汝南二县;三是水土资源压力区包括上蔡、西平、平舆和新蔡四县;四是水土资源强压力区仅有驿城区;并划分出不同的人口产业布局类型。
The first one is the zone of water and land resources without strong pressure, including Queshan county, Zhengyang county and Biyang county, the second is the zone of water and land resources without pressure, including Suiping county and Runan county, the third is the zone of water and land resources with pressure, including Shangcai county, Xiping county, Pingyu county and Xincai county, the fourth is the zone of water and land resources with strong pressure, only Yicheng District.