读破[dú pò]
词典read a character with two or more ways of pronunciation due to the difference of senses in a way other than its customary pronunciation
读破[dú pò]
(指改变一个字原来的读音以表示意义的转变) read a character with two or more ways of pronunciation due to the difference of senses in a way other than its customary pronunciation
1. 你如果做到,撕破脸皮,读破嘴皮,让人笑破肚皮。恭喜你,你成功了!!
If you are not afraid of losing face, read more, disregard of people's laugh, Congratuations, you made it.
2. 读破在线翻译
2. 你如果做到,撕破脸皮,读破嘴皮,让人笑破肚皮。恭喜你,你成功了!!
If you make it like this:tear down face and lip, make others laugh. congratulation, you succeed!
3. 读破在线翻译
3. 我不重学历,读破千卷书的人对生命的认识远远超过再高的文凭。
I don't mind educational background, as maybe a person who revels in reading would have got the knowledge to life much more than the one with high educational background.
4. 古今中外,凡成大学问者,无一不是博览群书,读破万卷的。
Ancient and modern, where a scholarship at National Cheng Kung University, and all are well-read book, read the break rolls.
5. 语境对句段理解也能起修正读破、猜测词义、衔接缺省、跳跃障碍的作用。
Context the modifies broken reading, facilitates guessing, coheres omission with the rest of the text and helps to overcome obstacles in understanding sentences and paragraphs.