

诸吕 双语例句

1. 建武三年(公元27年)正月,光武以邓禹屡战败绩,乃命偏将军冯异为征西大将军,代邓禹总统诸军;又命邓禹率军与冯异会合,在崤山一带布防,狙击赤眉军。
    Empress Lu died in 180 BC, 诸吕for chaos, the prime minister Chen Ping, ZHOU Bo太尉Liu and Zhu Hou Chapter virtual imperial clan were implicated诸吕minister, Li-Ying Liu for Dili, 二十三年office.

2. 后来周勃、陈平铲除诸吕,又将薄夫人接回,刘恒继位,为汉文帝,娘娘滩由此得名。
    Later, Bo Zhou, Pingzhu lv eradicate, his wife will pick up a thin, Liu Ji-bit, for the Han Emperor, this beach got its name Niangniang.

3. 诸吕的反义词

3. 周勃、陈平等人在吕后死后,平除吕后势力,拥立刘恒为汉文帝。因为平息诸吕的日子是正月十五日,此后每年正月十五日之夜,汉文帝都微服出宫,与民同乐以示纪念。
    Bo Zhou, Empress Lu Chen of equality in death, Empress Lu Ping in addition to forces for Han Yong Liu Wen-li end of the day because it is on the 15th day after the first month on the 15th annual Night, Royal Park Chinese plain clothes, in order to share happiness with the people to commemorate that.
