

话里有话[huà li yǒu huà]


词典have [speak with

词典put] one's tongue in one's cheek

词典sth. one means but never says话里有话。

词典There is an insinuation in that remark.话里有话。

话里有话 汉英大词典

话里有话[huà li yǒu huà]

have [speak with; put] one's tongue in one's cheek; sth. one means but never says; There is an insinuation in that remark.; There is more to it than meets the ear.; There's more to it than what is said.; The words mean more than they say.; This statement c

话里有话 双语例句

1. 他为人不可靠因为他总是话里有话
    He is not reliable because he doesnt mean what he says.

2. 一旦你了解了一个人如何谈话,但他提供反馈时,你可听出他话里有话
    Once you get to know how someone talks, you can read between the lines when they give feedback.

3. 我感觉你话里有话
    I'm sensing a theme here.

4. 话里有话的意思

4. 我听出来谢队长的话里有话
    I found there was another meaning in his words.

5. 话里有话的解释

5. 读肖伯纳的作品时得注意,他的文章经常话里有话
    BE careful in reading G. B. Shaw. He often had his tongue in his cheek

6. 杰克觉得亨利的话里有话
    Jack feels that Henry's words mean more than they say.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 这位Ecclestone先生显然话里有话,再看看F1的成长轨迹,这显然就在说F1必须调整好方向,随时向着遍地金银的金銮殿出发。
    Keeping those words in mind and looking at the F1 track record, it could be said that the sport is steering towards a future pot of gold in Asia.

8. 话里有话的反义词

8. 记者们觉得话里有话,老是缠住他不放,请他解释为什么不想再当总统了。
    The reporters thought there must had been an insinuation in that remark and insisted that he explain the reason.

9. 他话里有话,说明他心灵上创伤尚未愈合还在发痛,他的话使思嘉眼里流露出愧色。
    The edge in his voice spoke of a raw, unhealed wound that ached within him and his words brought shame to her eyes.

10. 话里有话的解释

10. 我讨厌他和他那些话里有话的问题。
    I hated him and all his loaded questions.

11. 她怀疑他可能话里有话
      She suspected his words might have a double meaning.

12. 话里有话在线翻译

12. 不然你也不会这么话里有话了。
      Otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning Behind everything you say.
