1. Joony朱说计算器讷讷个给我们答案,但是我们并不能完全理解它。
Joony Zhu says calculators can provide us with an answer, but we may not understand it completely.
2. 下班后,佩与其它三人:贪玩风骚的珠珠、邵木泻讷讷的松仔、及资历最老的球叔,总坐上汤少的顺风车回家。
After getting off work, wears with other three people: Wants to play all the time the coquettish bead bead, Shao Muxie the slow of speech loose young, and qualifications and records of service oldest ball uncle, always rides Tang Shao the running free vehicle to go home.
3. 讷讷的翻译
3. 他讷讷地问。
He asked questionably.
4. 他本来声音洪亮、口齿清楚、条理分明,为了不做夸夸其谈的浮躁知识分子,为了与农村的人们打成一片,他学得常常木木讷讷,有时候故把话说乱、丢三落四,吭吭咳咳咹咹。
Though he could talk sonorously, articulately, and logically, he chose to act dumb—talking through his hat, hemming and hawing phlegmatically, and appearing to forget this and that— all in order to be seen as one of the country folks instead of a gassy and fickle intellectual.
5. 讷讷的翻译
5. 他心里正觉得讷讷不能出口,他的双手在抽动。
His mind was stammering and his hands twitching.