


词典score book[体]记分册。

记分册 网络解释

1. book of examination grades:Book of Common Prayer || 英国国教的祈祷书 | book of examination grades || 记分册 | book of final entry || 终结帐簿 结帐记录

2. class academic record book; mark book:活页笔记本 loose-leaf notebook | 记分册 class academic record book; mark book | 剪刀 scissors

3. 记分册在线翻译

3. Mark card:Report card 成绩单 | Mark card 记分册 | Do the marking 改作业

记分册 双语例句

1. 周兰瞅了一眼正匆忙着在记分册上打分的裁判们。
    Zhou Lan glanced at the judges who were busy writing on their work sheets.

2. 记分册的意思

2. 周兰瞥了一眼忙着在记分册上打分的裁判。
    Zhou Lan glanced at the judges who were busy writing on their mark sheets.

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3. 周兰瞥了一眼忙着记分册上打分的裁判。
    Zhan Lan glanced at the judges who were busy writing on their mark sheets.

4. 记分册是什么意思

4. 这些记分册已由我保管。
    These scores have been committed to my safekeeping.
