

认做 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 这共认做一 e5严重 e5问题伫咧印度,巴基斯坦,不丹,提别参支那呢。
    This is recognized as a serious problem in India, Pakistan, Bhutan, Tibet and China.

2. 任职总督副将时,一次他走在法西斯束棒之前,有一位来自列普提斯的平民老乡将他认做老友,与他拥抱。
    During this legateship, when he was walking along preceded by the fasces, one of his fellow-townsmen, a man of Lepcis and a plebeian, embraced him as an old comrade.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 我想把克蕾丝认做我的义女,你们看怎么样?
    I do want to recognize my Keleisi-woman, how do you like?

4. 酒精普遍被认做是欢乐时光的陪衬,但是它也有不好的一面。
    Alcohol is commonly thought of as a good-times libation, but it has a dark side.

5. 认做什么意思

5. 他从来没被认做是热门因为他几乎没怎么练习,但是他很乐观而且这个通常是很好的原因。
    He is never considered as favoriet because he practises little, but he has much brio and does good it for this reason always.

6. 这可不是以前被认做是雷龙的迷惑龙。
    Not the Apatosaurus formerly known as the brontosaurus.

7. 认做

7. 在我看来,他所有绘制的人物不分男女,均可认做是他自己情思的转化,画面里人的形象、动态,是他内心的外化。
    The image and motion of the people in the paintings are the externalization of his inward world and they are presented in a romantic way.

8. 大多数情况都是市民误把街灯之类的认做UFO。
    UFOs reports were most likely to be misidentified street lamps.

9. 在时间框迭代中,迭代被认做一个时间段,在这期间,所有的工作都计划得很谨慎。
    In timeboxed iterations, an iteration is considered a set period of time, during which all the work is carefully planned.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 人家把我错认做我的妹妹了。
    I was taken for my sister.
