


词典whoever started the trouble should end it解铃系铃。

解铃还需系铃人 网络解释

1. 解铃还需系铃人是什么意思

1. It is better for the doer to undo what he has done:It is always safe to learn even from our enemies. 即使向敌人... | It is better for the doer to undo what he has done. 解铃还需系铃人. | It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill. 与其责...

2. Whoever started the trouble should end it:As distance tests a horse's strength,so time reveals a person's heart.路遥知马... | Even four horses cannot take back what one has said.一言既... | Whoever started the trouble should end it .解铃还需系铃人

3. To untie the bell, the man who tied it is required:一言出口,泼水难收 A word spoken can never be taken back as spilled w... | 解铃还需系铃人 To untie the bell, the man who tied it is required | 秀才不出门,便知天下事 Without going uotdoors, a scholar kno...

4. It's better for the doer to undo what he has done:It's a long story.一言难尽. | It's better for the doer to undo what he has done.解铃还需系铃人. | It is better to be alone than in bad company.宁可孤独,不交恶友.

解铃还需系铃人 双语例句

1. 解铃还需系铃人
    Let him who tied a bell on the tiger takes it off.

2. 在爱情中,没有谁对谁错。可是解铃还需系铃人。你到底在哪里?
    There is only happiness in life to love and be loved.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 答:烦闷时可纾解生理上的精神、压力,至于心理上则解铃还需系铃人,找出心理症结加以化解方为上策。
    Answer: It can alleviate the pressure physiologically, but as for mentality, it is better to find out the crucial reason and make corresponding solution.

4. 人世间的故事有时候就这样奇妙,解铃还需系铃人
    The society story like this is sometimes marvelous, Xie Linghuan must be the bell person.

5. 同时认为,解铃还需系铃人,网络技术带来的法律难题也必将随着网络技术的发展而得到相应的解决。
    I believe that the difficult problems caused by computer technology will be solved in the end with the development of internet technology.
