1. 解缆的解释
1. cast loose:cast iron 铸铁 | cast loose 解缆 | cast off 丢弃
2. cast off:cast off 解 | cast off 解缆 | cast pipe 铸管
3. unmoor:unmonitoredcontrolsystem 无监视的控制系统 | unmoor 解缆 | unmoor 解缆改泊单锚
4. unbitt:unbiased 不偏的未加偏压的 | unbitt 解缆 | unbitt 解缆索
1. 在解缆过程中,机组应是关闭的。
During the untwisting, the plant shall be shut down.
2. 他后天解缆去上海。名词短语
He is leaving for Shanghai the day after tomorrow.
3. 你筹算什么时辰解缆呢?
When do you propose to leave?
4. 这个罪犯决心脱胎换骨,重新做人。让我们解缆开船。
The criminal was determined to cast off his old self AND turn over a new leaf.
5. 解缆的解释
5. 解缆的命令下达后,船很快就驶离码头。
The order was given to cast off and soon the ship was moving away from the quay.
6. 为防止风机结构上可能的危险,建议在风速极高情况下(如:V≥0.8*Vref)抑制解缆操作
To prevent possible danger to the wind turbine struc-ture, it may be advisable to s
7. 解缆
7. 在风机配备有效偏航系统情况下,解缆操作可以由控制系统通过偏航驱动的适当操作来自动执行。
In the case of wind turbines with active yaw systems, untwisting of the cables can be undertaken automatically by the control system through appropriate operation of the yaw drive.
8. 那时候邵大爷的舟子见将有人命交涉,恐怕被村人打沉了他的船,急急解缆想要逃走。
Mr. Sha0'S boatman was afraid, if he drowned. thevillagers would sink his boat, SO he hurriedly caSt off to get away.
9. 起头此次讲话的时辰我说我已经痊愈了——这是因为有了这间房子里的人和卡米洛特的人我坚信这一点因为我之前是无法移解缆体的!
When I started I said I was healed because of the people in this room and the people from Project Camelot and I truly believe that because I couldn`t move!
10. 就在这条船解缆的那一霎那,他一头冲上跳板,连滚带爬地冲过了跳板入口就晕倒在甲板上了。
And, rushing upon the plank, he crossed it, and fell unconscious on the deck, just as the `Carnatic'was moving off
11. 就在这条船解缆的那一霎那,他一头冲上跳板,连滚带爬地冲过了跳板入口就晕倒在甲板上了。
On rushing upon the plank, he crossed it, and fell unconscious on the deck, just as the `Carnatic'was moving off.
12. 9点30分时我们就解缆向下游出发了。
By 09.30 we had cast off and were heading down-river.
13. 铃一响,船长下令解缆,航行就开始了。
As soon as the bell rang, the captain gave orders to cast off, and the voyage began.
14. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
14. 让我们解缆开船。
Let's cast off the rope and free the boat.
15. 解缆,拖轮拖引右舷船尾,离开码头。
Letgo lines and got clear of wharf, assisted by tug on starboard quarter.
16. 解缆的近义词
16. 舱面船员动作熟练,轻而易举地解缆拔锚。
The deck force unmoored with veteran ease.
17. danci.911chaxun.com
17. 为了午时前赶到阂薛,我们很早便解缆了。
We should start early so that we might get there before noon.
18. 解缆
18. 老人断绝了与他的不肖儿子的关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。
Q: cast sb aside Q: A:抛弃, 废除 A: Q: cast off Q: A:解缆放船; 抛弃 A: The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him.