

视如粪土[shì rú fèn tǔ]

词典look upon ... as dirt视如粪土。

词典consider as beneath contempt视如粪土。

词典look upon as filth and dirt视如粪土。

视如粪土 汉英大词典

视如粪土[shì rú fèn tǔ]


look upon ... as dirt; consider as beneath contempt; look upon as filth and dirt

视如粪土 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 现在,你们想必与我一样清楚,正是这些价值观使我们与流行于当下许多人中间的态度大相径庭,或与他们格格不入。他们奉行一种现代化的世俗主义,将我们文明赖以立基的价值观视如粪土,尽管这些价值观坚实可靠并经过时间的检验。
    Now, I don't have to tell you that this puts us in opposition to, or at least out of step with, a -- a prevailing attitude of many who have turned to a modern-day secularism, discarding the tried and time-tested values upon which our very civilization is based.

2. 面对阴谋与丑恶,世人视如粪土,各国同仇敌忾,万众一心,齐讨公敌,使其没有立足之地。
    And the ugly face of conspiracy, the people of the world Shirufentu, national solidarity and unite as one and-seek public enemy so that it no foothold.
