


词典Lysichitum camtschatense[医] 观音莲。

观音莲 双语例句

1. 观音莲

1. 现在,观音莲还在蓬勃地生长着,它是经过我精心照料的,我相信,花朵一定很美丽。
    Now, Alocasia growth is still vigorous, and it is a well-cared for me, I believe, must be very beautiful flowers.

2. 有一天,我惊奇的发现,观音莲的叶子下垂下了几根藤蔓,上面是细小的花苞,我的努力终于有了回报。
    One day, I found surprising, Alocasia leaves droop a few vines, the top is a small bud, I finally made the effort to return.

3. 观音莲是什么意思

3. 就赶忙把爸爸拉到阳台上,问那几株苗是什么,爸爸告诉我那是杂草,而且可能会影响观音莲的生长,最好拔了。
    Dad quickly pulled on to the balcony and asked Several seedlings that what my father told me it was weed, but also may affect the growth of Alocasia, preferably pulled.

4. 观音莲什么意思

4. 在花鸟市场里逛来逛去,一盆小型盆栽吸引了我的眼球,问了店主,我才知道它叫观音莲,它的形状有些像观音菩萨所立的红莲,绿色的叶子,叶尖圈着一点紫色的花边,我问了一下价格,不是很贵,就欢天喜地地把它买回了家。
    Flower shop in the market to go to a bowl of small potted plants to attract my attention and asked the owner, I realize that it Alocasia called it the shape of some of the legislation as the Goddess of Mercy Honglian, green leaves, tip purple circle with a little lace, I asked about price, not expensive, it would happy to buy a home.

5. 观音莲

5. 主要景点有:宽敞而酷似莲花瓣的莲花石;气势轩昂的燕子岩;洞内怪石遍布的八仙岩;凌空壮观、酷似人工石林的飞鹰岩以及落莲洞天、三棕叠嶂、南天门、云梯、石廊、石峰、无底洞、白莲池、观音岩、神仙桥等。
    The main attractions are: a spacious and the like lotus petals of a lotus stone; momentum Xuanang the Swallow rock; Guaishi around the inside of the Eight Immortals rock; spectacular volley, like the Stone Forest of the Eagle Rock-and-lian Dongtian, three stacked嶂Brown, Nan Tianmen, Ladder, Stone Gallery, Shi Feng, bottomless pit, White Lotus, Guanyinyan, fairy bridges.

6. 项目的资金来自佛教观音文化区,荷兰语莲文化主题公园,餐厅和娱乐,文化等各个领域,文化领域,如建筑构件。
    The project is funded by the Buddhist Guanyin Cultural District, Dutch-lian cultural theme park, restaurant and entertainment and cultural areas, cultural areas, such as building components.

7. 杂草的问题算是解决了,可新的问题却又来了,每次我除去杂草的时候,都会看到有黑色的小虫在观音莲上飞,起初我并没有在意,可后来叶子上都被啃出了小洞,我才关注起了这个现象,就从家里拿出灭蚊剂,喷了几次,还真是有效果呢!
    The problem of weeds can be regarded as resolved, but new problems may come, every time I remove the weeds, that they will see a black insect flying in Alocasia, at first I did not care, can be subsequently leaves have been eating a hole, I was concerned about the effect of this phenomenon, on the show from home mosquito control agent, spray several times, it really is effective!

8. 观音莲的意思

8. 几天下来,我才知道原来小小的一盆花并不好养,在阳台上放了两天,花盆里就有几株撑着两片椭圆形叶子的小苗冲破泥土,我奇怪地想:怎么这么快就有这么多观音莲的苗呢?
    A few days, I became aware of a small potted plant is not a good support, and on the balcony after two days, pot Several have two oval-shaped leaves of the seedlings to break through the soil, so it is strange to think: how there are so many so quickly Alocasia does the Miller?

9. 观音莲的反义词

9. 一尊瓷观音端坐在莲花瓣上,莲花下是波涛纹。
    A porcelain Guanyin seated on a lotus flower over breaking waves.

10. 观音莲的解释

10. 观音莲的组织培养
    Alocasia amazonica Tissue Culture
