



词典look older见老。

见老 双语例句

1. 爸爸是一单位普通的技术员,自从爷爷去世后,见老了,年轻时就只乐衷于按自己的思维生活,平凡而闲适,最大的嗜好是摆弄他的那套钓鱼工具。
    My dad is a normal worker ina company, he becomes old when my grandpa died. When he was young, he just liked the usual and quite life which follows his mind. Fishing, is his favorite hobby.

2. 亏得斯蒂芬幸运地失去知觉的当儿,科尼。凯莱赫来到了。这真是上天保佑。倘若不是他在最后这节骨眼儿上出现,到头来斯蒂芬就会成为被抬往救护所的候补者,要么就成为蹲监狱的候补者;第二天落个在法庭上去见托拜厄斯的下场。不,他是个律师,或许得去见老沃尔,要么就是马奥尼。这档子事传出去之后,你就非身败名裂不可。
    Highly providential was the appearance on the scene of Corny Kelleher when Stephen was blissfully unconscious but for that man in the gap turning up at the eleventh hour the finis might have been that he might have been a candidate for the accident ward or, failing that, the bridewell and an appearance in the court next day before Mr Tobias or, he being the solicitor rather, old Wall, he meant to say, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a chap when it got bruited about.

3. 他早已年过60,但毫不见老
    He's well over sixty, but he doesn't look at all old.

4. 见老在线翻译

4. 这一场冲击使他见老
    The shock put years on him.

5. 见老的翻译

5. 我感到他长相见老,更像祖父而不是父亲。
    He always seemed old to me, more like a grandfather than a father.

6. 见老

6. 他最近很见老
    He's aged a lot recently.

7. 地方是老地方,人也见老了,但春天总是年轻的,尤其是樱桃花盛开时。
    This place is old, people in this photo are old, but spring is forever young, in particular in this cherry blooming season.
