

褡裢[dā lian ]

词典a long, rectangular bag sewn up at both ends with an opening in the middle

词典jacket made of several layers of cloth, worn by wrestlers

褡裢 汉英大词典

褡裢[dā lian]

(长方形的口袋) a long, rectangular bag sewn up at both ends with an opening in the middle (usu. worn round the waist or across the shoulder)

褡裢 双语例句

1. 将道人肩上的褡裢抢过来背上,……
    And the mome raths outgrabe.

2. 但你一直都只注视这些光彩,从来都不知道你的脚被衣服的褡裢扎伤了多少次。
    But you have just watching these glorious, never know your feet are clothes DaLian injured many times.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 冉阿让有这样一个特点,我们可以说他身上有个褡裢,一头装着圣人的思想,一头装着囚犯的技巧。
    All at once she heard Jean Valjean's voice crying to her, though in a very low tone

4. 我护腕上的尼龙褡裢粘着我的衣服了。
    Sheldon: The Velcro on my wrist brace caught on my shirt.

5. 这说的就是老北京的另一道美味小吃了,褡裢火烧这道美味出自光绪年间的姚春宣夫妇之手。
    Here we are discussing is another daintily snack of old Beijing. It came from the Chunxuan Yao`s couple in Guangxu year.

6. 由于张果老背上的褡裢里装着日月星辰,柴荣和赵匡胤的小车上载着五岳名山,所以压得桥身晃动不已。
    Zhang fruit as a result of the old back pouch hung from belt stays in mind moon and stars, and Zhao Kuangyin柴荣small car carrying the Five Sacred Mountains mountains, so much weight of the deck shaking.

7. 褡裢什么意思

7. 的条目意味着该物品必须拿在手里或者进行操作(而不是简单地放在口袋里,褡裢中或背包内)才能发挥作用。
    An entry of -- indicates the item must be physically held or manipulated (rather than simply kept in a pocket, pouch, or backpack) for its power to function.

8. 褡裢

8. 这褡裢火烧讲究的是馅的味,面儿的筋儿,外焦里嫩吃的时候配上一碗鸡血豆腐汤,那味儿没了治了。
    If eaten with a bowl of Chicken blood with bean curd soup, the taste will be off the charts.

9. 褡裢

9. 这褡裢火烧讲究的是馅的味,面儿的筋儿,外焦里嫩吃的时候配上一碗鸡血豆腐汤,那味儿没了治了。
    Add a bowl of Bean curd with chicken blood soup when you eat dalion what coke outside and tender inside, It`s so cool that beyond any expression.
