1. 褙子
1. 宋代的女装是上身穿窄袖短衣,下身穿长裙,通常在上衣外面再穿一件对襟的长袖小褙子,很像现在的背心,褙子的领口和前襟,都绣上漂亮的花边。
Song is on the Women wearing Zhaixiuduanyi, under wearing a gown, usually in a T-shirt outside Zaichuan Dui Jin Bei of the small long-sleeved, much like the current vest, Bei of the neckline and Qianjin, beautiful embroidered The lace.
2. 褙子的反义词
2. 褙子:即披风。男子的日常服饰,女子的礼服。
Beizi: One kind of cape, as men's townwear and women's dress.