

褊狭[biǎn xiá]




褊狭 汉英大词典

褊狭[biǎn xiá]

[书] narrow; cramped:


    live in cramped quarters;



褊狭 双语例句

1. 褊狭的反义词

1. 他们这些人,对于男女的关系,看得太褊狭了。
    Their views of the relations of man and woman are limited.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 我的世界害怕你的世界的褊狭和粗暴。
    My world fears your world's intolerance and brutality.

3. 可以说,数码制卡和会员卡制作的畴昔成长不时间是很是褊狭的。
    That said, the digital business card printing and membership cards produced by the future development of the space is quite broad.

4. 其诗学观的褊狭也是显而易见的。
    It should also be admitted that his views are obviously narrow and limited.

5. 这种观点,真是太褊狭了,根本就是错误。
    That point of view is very limited, very misleading, and indeed, wrong.

6. 同时,推不静国量在编削制卡和会员卡制作板滞不销物不不进口纳税策略时,差洋小规格的众色制卡和会员卡制作机排不兴在纳税不不进口的名单之外,从策略上留不出其成长的褊狭不工夫。
    At the same time, the promotion of the State in the modify business card printing and membership card-making machinery products duty-free policies on small and medium sized multi-color business card printing and membership card making machine excluded from the list of duty-free imports, as a matter of policy to allow its development space.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 鼓励对于泄密的褊狭的理解是没有好处的,只会形成相互告发和怀疑的文化。
    It is harmful to advocate a narrow-minded interpretation of whistleblowing, which forms a culture of mutual denunciation and suspicion.

8. 像许多其它傲慢地自以为是更新世界的不凡人物一样,他极端褊狭、顽固。
    Like many others who have the arrogance to see themselves as chosen vessels for the generation of the world, he was narrow - minded and bigoted in the extreme.

9. 褊狭在线翻译

9. 但是他们的褊狭的灵魂想:“一切伟大的生存是有罪的。”
    But their circumscribed souls think: " Blamable is all great existence. "

10. 褊狭在线翻译

10. 她的褊狭的思路顺着西伯利亚铁路往返于莫斯科和北京之间。
    Her one-track mind ran along the trans-Siberian railway between Moscow and Beijing.

11. “褊狭”一词实际上是我们用来描述人的态度而非城镇本身。
      " Provincial " is in fact our way of describing not the town but the attitude of the people.

12. 不久,我们也变得“褊狭”了,居住在我们周围的人也要离开我们而远走他乡。
      Soon we too become " provincial ", and others who live round us will be glad to get up and leave us behind.

13. 褊狭在线翻译

13. 组织职能褊狭,缺乏活力;
      Thirdly, the functions of BSO are marrow, lack of vitality;

14. 褊狭

14. “褊狭”一词实际上是我们用来描述人的态度而非城镇本身。
      " Provincial " is in fact our way of describing not the town but the attitude of the people.

15. 褊狭在线翻译

15. 不久,我们也变得“褊狭”了,居住在我们周围的人也要离开我们而远走他乡。
      Soon we too become " provincial ", and others who live round us will be glad to get up and leave us behind.

16. 褊狭的反义词

16. 但是他们的褊狭的灵魂想:“一切伟大的生存是有罪的。”
      But their circumscribed souls think: " Blamable is all great existence. "
