

衰颓[shuāi tuí]

词典weak and degenerate衰颓。

词典be on the wane衰飒;衰颓;变小,亏缺,衰落。

衰颓 汉英大词典

衰颓[shuāi tuí]

weak and degenerate; be on the wane:


    His strength is waning.


    His years weigh him down.

衰颓 网络解释

1. degeneracy:defy 蔑视 | degeneracy 衰颓 | degeneratio 变性

2. droop:dromophobia 恐奔跑症 | droop 衰颓 | drug 药物

3. degenerate: v. decline:founded: built up; established. 建立 | degenerate: v. decline. 衰颓 | came to an end: fell. 灭亡

4. 衰颓的近义词

4. suetue:suanthok 宣讀 | suetue 衰頹 | suncing 純種

衰颓 双语例句

1. 西塞罗对罗马共和国这一年迈而尊贵的官员的死深有感触,由此而联想到古罗马行政管理的日益衰颓
    Republic of Luo Duiluo horse fills in on the west this one old and of exalted official have feeling greatly to death, from this and associate to ancient Rome administration increasingly weak and degenerate.

2. 还有其它的理由和原因助长了目前的衰颓状况嘛?
    Are there more contributing reasons and causes for the current decrepit state of things?

3. 衰颓在线翻译

3. 但随著时间的变迁,这些历史街区往往面临实质环境破坏、人口外移、以及商业机能衰颓等问题。
    As time goes by, the rapid development had led the cities to the decay of both physical and economic environment.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 晚年的悼友诗贵隐括,带着一层衰颓的色彩。他在悼友中也追悼着自己。
    In his early years, his poetry of mourning for friends largely narrated something, using poetry to record history.

5. 衰颓

5. 见的,知道茶叶蛋等等是每晚必来的;这足以证明那些东西自会卖完,这一宗营生决不因为我们这样鄙野的人以及劳工们的不去作成它而会见得衰颓的。
    Chanced to wake that tea eggs and the like made their appeceevery evening, sufficient proof that they were all sold, and thebusiness showed no sign of abating for want of participation on t}lepart of rustics such as us and workpeople.

6. 衰颓

6. 第一次世界大战所带来的那种破败衰颓,却意外且反常地养成了美国国民虚骄自大,事不关己,高高在上生活于象牙塔之中的一种毛病,尽管这个国度的民主习惯与欧洲国家没什么区别。
    The disillusionment that followed World War I left the American people singularly vulnerable to the delusion of self-sufficiency, though in that respect they were little different from the people of the western European democracies.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 反映在教育上,则是科技教育的当阳称尊,人文教育的衰颓低落,人文精神的落魄无归。
    This was demonstrated by the dominated science education, the decline of human education and the loss of human spirit.

8. 衰颓什么意思

8. 许多农民既感于现实生活的困敝,又对未来怀有美好的愿望,便在这无奈与憧憬的矛盾心情中打破安土重迁、故土难离的习俗,走出家乡,迈向更为广阔的天地。但总起来说,由于农村经济的衰颓是当时的总背景,在农民离村原因中,被动因素居于主导地位。
    The formation of peasants` leaving was not only closely related to social misfits, such as lack of lands, natural and man-made calamities, heavy taxes and levies, but also had a bearing on the difference between town and country, the gap between industry and agriculture.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 她们四个仿佛是在人生晚年的枯竭、凋残、衰颓、愁惨这四只角上,各占一角。
    All four of them seemed to be standing at the four corners of old age, which are decrepitude, decay, ruin, and sadness.

10. 她们四个仿佛是在人生晚年的枯竭、凋残、衰颓、愁惨这四只角上,各占一角。
    On the three portresses.

11. 他的胸脯上下起伏,身子也好象衰颓了。
      His chest heaved and his body seemed to droop.

12. 衰颓的解释

12. 年岁使他衰颓
      His years weigh him down.

13. 他的精力渐渐衰颓
      His strength is waning.

14. 我丈夫,很明显他已经衰颓下去了,最后终于被我说服了。
      My husband, who was apparently decaying, as I observed, was at last prevailed with.

15. 黑夜过去了,早晨来临了;太阳又放出和暖的光辉来了,衰颓的花儿重新得到了活力。
      That night passed, and morning came; the sun shone again, and the morning brought strength to the flower.

16. 衰颓的近义词

16. 也许他们的拒绝使他创建家业的计划受到了致命的打击&他立刻衰颓了。
      Perhaps their refusal took the heart out of his plan to Found a Family & he went into an immediate decline.

17. danci.911chaxun.com

17. 他的精神力量已经衰颓,低得不如孩子。
      His moral force was abased into more than childish weakness.

18. 衰颓

18. 二战以后,英国农业在经历了长期的衰颓后最终走向全面复兴。
      After a long period of doldrums, the British Agriculture revived since the second world war.

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. 第二章提出,作为学科和写作技艺的叙事理论或许会衰颓,但作为一种伦理的叙事,并不会在我们的生活中消失。
      The second chapter brings forward that ethical narrative will not vanish in our lives although narrative theory may decay as a subject and a craft of writing.

20. 而花鸟画的色彩运用从新石器时代就开始萌芽,到了五代北宋时期,很快达到了状物传神的高峰。后期由于成法所拘,因循守旧,渐渐走向衰颓
      The use of color in meticulous painting sprouted from the Neolithic Age, reached a peak of depicting vividly soon in Five Dynasties and Northern Song period and gradually declined because of conformism in the late period.
