



衰迈 双语例句

1. 他的同事是一帮衰迈不堪的人。
    His colleagues were a ramskackle bunch.

2. 衰迈的反义词

2. 蜷缩在台尔森银行各式各样昏暗的柜橱和半截门上认真地工作着的是些衰迈不堪的人。
    Cramped in all kinds of dim cupboards and hutches at Tellson's, the oldest of men carried on the business gravely.

3. 在他受到查问时,他表现了强烈的内心激动,从此以后一团浓重的乌云就笼罩了他,他一直在呆呆地想着,露出一副衰迈憔悴之相。
    He had shown strong internal agitation when he was questioned, and that pondering or brooding look which made him old, had been upon him, like a heavy cloud, ever since.

4. 衰迈在线翻译

4. 姑娘泪流满面,把双手放到唇边吻了吻,又伸向他;然后把他搂在胸前,仿佛要把他那衰迈的头放在她的怀抱里。
    With the tears streaming down her face, she put her two hands to her lips, and kissed them to him; then clasped them on her breast, as if she laid his ruined head there.

5. 衰迈的反义词

5. 库图佐夫还站在原地不动,现出衰迈的老态,将他那肥胖的身躯俯在马鞍上,合上眼睛,沉重地打着哈欠。
    Kutuzov was still at the same spot; his bulky frame drooped in the saddle with the lassitude of old age, and he was yawning wearily with closed eyes.

6. 衰迈的近义词

6. 晚清海关自外籍税务司制度建立以后,引起了晚清社会的深刻变革,在管理上给古老衰迈的封建肌体里注入了新鲜的血液。
    Late Qing customs had cause Late Qing deep change of the society since foreign customs commissioners system was set up, which had injected the fresh blood into the old feudal society in management.

7. 他的同事是一帮衰迈不堪的人。
    His colleagues were a ramshackle bunch.

8. 汝今朽老,年既衰迈,著此商那粪扫纳衲纳衣,垢腻厚重。
    Copyright for the Pāli text lies with the Vipassana Research Institute.

9. 人们老看见那两位可敬的衰迈老人在鞠躬。大家都相信他们“鞠”走了一个顾客之后还要在空办公室里“鞠”下去,直到“鞠”进另一个顾客。
    Those venerable and feeble persons were always seen by the public in the act of bowing, and were popularly believed, when they had bowed a customer out, still to keep on bowing in the empty office until they bowed another customer in.
