

衰惫[shuāi bèi]

词典weak and tired衰惫。




衰惫 汉英大词典

衰惫[shuāi bèi]

[书] weak and tired; feeble; weary

衰惫 双语例句

1. 处于缺水状态的你,会时常感觉衰惫
    You`ll always feel tired if you are in the state of water-lacking.

2. 衰惫

2. Cyber Wars 是一款你可以扮演在未来的衰惫世界里的一名街头阿飞/商人的游戏。
    Software Description: Cyber Wars is a game where you play the role of a street punk/dealer, in a future decayed world.

3. 衰惫

3. 因为爱心,衰惫的躯体才能回复青春,因为爱心,颓废的灵魂才能燃起希望。
    Because benevolence, the body of Shuai Bei then can reply youth, because benevolence, the decadent soul then can set alight a hope.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 但只在衰惫的莠草中沉滞
    Nor any want-begotten rest.

5. 你们,息养多时的精兵,面对久战衰惫的敌人,可以一鼓作气,把他们赶回特洛伊,远离我们的营棚和海船。
    You, who are fresh, might easily drive a tired enemy back to his walls and away from the tents and ships.

6. 凡落到这一步的人,都已受尽地狱的折磨,衰惫不堪,恐怕连哭出声的气力都没有了。
    Those who were so evil as to be sent to this place were tired by its various torments, and left without even the strength to cry out.
