

补假[bǔ jià]


词典take deferred holidays补假;补休。

补假 汉英大词典

补假[bǔ jià]

take deferred holidays

补假 网络解释

1. Compensatory Time Off:补假(Compensatory Time Off) 指用给予加班人员额外假期的方法来代替付加班费. 财产安全保障(S e c u r i t y) 指保护企业的设施与设备不受未经允许的滥用和侵犯,同时保护在 工作场地或从事委派任务的员工. 裁员(D o w n s i z i n g) 指减少企业员工的数量.

2. 补假什么意思

2. compensatory leave:compensation leave 补假 | compensatory leave 补假 | competency dimension 才能项目

3. 补假

3. compensation leave:compassionate leave 恩假 | compensation leave 补假 | compensatory leave 补假

补假 双语例句

1. 政府的人事官员们共同商议后终于决定中秋节次日补假一天。
    The Government personnel officials put their heads together and finally decided to extend the Moon Festival holiday to the following Monday.

2. 补假的意思

2. 遇到农历新年这种大节庆,更是正正当当地从除夕放到初三,再加上前后周末加补假,台湾人过年非要拜过初九的天公生、逛完十五的''。
    For Chinese New Year - the most important festival, Taiwanese get four off days straight, starting from the eve of the Chinese New Year season.

3. 补假

3. 即使他的薪水只是一天工作4小时,他并没有要求额外的补假
    He did not ask for extra renumeration for the additional hours, and he`s only paid for 4-hour worth of work!

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4. 我上星期天上班了,所以可补假一天。
    8I worked last Sunday, so I have a day off to make up for it.

5. 我觉得现在还是应该要补假啊!
    I feel we should still get compensated time off.

6. 这是为那些希望可以补假或剃须包你希望他们得到。
    This is for those who want to be able to leave make up or shaving kits where you want them to be.

7. 补假是什么意思

7. 政府的人事官员们商议后终于决定中秋节次日补假一天。
    The Government personnel officials put their heads together and finally decided to extend the''.

8. 你怎样度过补假那段日子?
    How are you doing with all that extra time off?

9. 补假是什么意思

9. 嗯,过去在还没实施周休二日的时候,都会补假的。
    Yes, before two day weekends were implemented, we would get compensated time off.

10. 这家位于卢森堡的法院坚持认为,雇主必须尊重员工休假期间生病补假和带薪假期的权利。
    The Luxembourg-based court insisted that employers should honour workers'rights to both time off sick and paid holidays.

11. 补假什么意思

11. fBT0E|Z:T0第六条全体公民放假的假日,如果适逢星期六、星期日,应当在工作日补假
      Article VI of all citizens of the holiday vacation, if falls on Saturdays, Sundays, days off in lieu should be at.

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12. 根据有关规定,全体公民放假的假日,如果适逢星期六、星期日,应当在工作日补假
      In accordance with the related regulations, the holidays holiday all citizens, if confronted Saturday, Sunday, shall BuJia during working days.
