

衣锦还乡[yì jǐn huán xiāng]

词典return to one's hometown in silken robes衣锦还乡。

词典glorious homecoming after having won high honours and social recognition

词典go back home in embroidered clothes衣锦还乡。

词典go home loaded with honours衣锦还乡。


词典Tieta do Agreste[电影]衣锦还乡。

衣锦还乡 汉英大词典

衣锦还乡[yì jǐn huán xiāng]


return to one's hometown in silken robes; glorious homecoming after having won high honours and social recognition; go back home in embroidered clothes; go home loaded with honours; return home after making good; return to one's hometown in glory

衣锦还乡 网络解释

1. He went home loaded with honors:That is no news.明日黄花 | He went home loaded with honors.衣锦还乡 | Neither fish,flesh nor fowl.不伦不类

2. go home loaded with honours:43. 望子成龙:expecting their son to bean outstanding figure | 44. 衣锦还乡:go home loaded with honours | 45. 饱经风霜:have had a chequered life

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. to return home in glory:衣食住行clothing,food,housing and transportation.(the four essential requirements of people) | 衣锦还乡to return home in glory. | 袖手旁观to look on without lifting a finger.

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衣锦还乡 双语例句

1. 有一天,两人在树下乘凉饮茶,肩吾对孙叔敖说:「一般做过官的人衣锦还乡大都兴建豪宅,围起高高的篱笆,深怕别人抢夺他的钱财,危害他的生命;而你曾经三度为相,当你做宰相时,我感觉不出你家的老宅子有什么改变,当你三度罢相,这一回,你告老还乡,我也感觉不出你有什么怅然若失之态。
    When you were minister, we did not find the change of your old house.

2. 一个人中了状元或进士之后,衣锦还乡,将一个荣誉的金匾高高放在他的祖祠里,家人和镇上的人都很高兴,他的母亲也许在喜极而流泪,全族的人都觉得非常荣耀。
    The recipient of an honor.

3. 此后来了一个叫陈玉峰的先生,常常鼓励他树立信心,结果他发愤连续拿下了后三个学期的头榜。1931年,苏先生在日本获得数学博士学位后衣锦还乡,来探望的人络绎不绝,其中不乏达官贵人,而他却先在人群中找到了恩师陈玉峰先生,恭恭敬敬地把他请到上座。
    All i do is enjoy the life. To keep an better attitude.

4. 衣锦还乡的意思

4. 一个人中了状元或进士之后,衣锦还乡,将一个荣誉的金匾高高放在他的祖祠里,家人和镇上的人都很高兴,他的母亲也许在喜极而流泪,全族的人都觉得非常荣耀。今日一个人获得一纸大学文凭的情形,跟从前那种热闹的情景比较起来,真有天壤之别。
    In comparison with the family and town rejoicing when a man got a chuangyuan or chinshih and came home to place a golden-painted tablet of honor high upon his ancestral hall, with his mother probably shedding tears and the entire clan feeling themselves honored by the great occasion, the getting of a college diploma today is a pretty dull and tame affair.

5. 当我衣锦还乡时,请相信我。
    I''m as happy as a queen, believe me as I go rolling home.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. 他就灰溜溜地回到了家乡,未能衣锦还乡令他很沮丧,和丹尼的关系也变得糟糕了。
    He went as a hero and came back as loser. Even the relation to Danny gets worse.

7. 最后乔治衣锦还乡了。
    And then George`s triumphant return.

8. 幸运的是有一天她的丈夫衣锦还乡
    But once her husband returned, they stone would utter speech.

9. 有朝一日,我会衣锦还乡
    I`ll come back with honors someday.

10. 他衣锦还乡
    He returned to his hometown in glory.

11. 衣锦还乡的反义词

11. 有朝一日,我会衣锦还乡
      I'll come back whith honors someday!

12. 中桥两头为精雕蟠龙,只有状元衣锦还乡才可过此桥,寓意金榜题名,独占鳌头。
      Bridge carved in two for Vista, only the champion can return home in silken robes over this bridge, meaning first, come out on top.

13. 从19世纪中期淘金热开始,大量中国人怀着衣锦还乡的美梦来到加州。
      The Chinese started coming to California in large numbers during the Gold Rush in the mid1800s, hoping to strike it rich and return home.

14. 这趟行程不同于他1990年的首次衣锦还乡
      This trip was not like his first triumphant return home in 1990.

15. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

15. 节日其间不受欢迎的特征之一是小偷小摸行为达到年度峰值,这归因于农民工“腰缠万贯衣锦还乡”的巨大压力。
      One unwelcome feature of the holiday period is an annual spike in petty crime, attributed to migrant workers who are under great pressure to return home flush with cash.

16. 他总是希望衣锦还乡、寿终正寝,最后葬入祖坟。
      His hope is always to come back rich, to die and be buried where his ancestors are buried.

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17. 许多年后,白娘子的儿子许仕林中了状元(科举考试第一名)衣锦还乡,并在雷峰塔前叩拜她的生母。
      Many years later, after gained a Zhuangyuan title (the first place in the imperial examination), Madam White Snake's son offered sacrifice to his mother in front of the Leifeng Pagoda.

18. 数以百万的四川人离开了家乡,许多人背井离乡,住在狭小的居所或临时工棚里,为的是能赚到足够的钱衣锦还乡
      Many have lived for years in cramped dormitories or temporary construction barracks, separated from their families, hoping to make enough to return home.

19. 胡教授解释道:自古以来,中国人都有这样的观念走出去和上大学都是好事。若不能衣锦还乡,那他就是一个失败者。
      From ancient times the Chinese have had the notion that'going out'and'going to colleges'were good. Anybody coming back home without achievements is a loser, Hu said.

20. 衣锦还乡的翻译

20. 我也不想打扰你的衣锦还乡的美梦。
      I hate to put a dent in your hometown fantasy.
